
Debate Info

Such Idiots Such Morons
Debate Score:12
Total Votes:14
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 Such Idiots (8)
 Such Morons (1)

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Again(83) pic

LOL @ FactMachine And Mingiwuwu Illustrating Their Ignorance Of Science

In a debate only they can comment in, so they can pretend to each other that they understand what they are talking about without being corrected. 

Both of you are seriously mentally ill.

Such Idiots

Side Score: 8

Such Morons

Side Score: 4
1 point

Reality must be random because something was able to randomly come from nothing

This is absolutely hilarious as an example of circular reasoning. Reality must be random otherwise it wouldn't be random. Good one, Sherlock.

What if for some unknown reason, existence was bound to exist, or has always existed etc.

You've got some nerve, you laughable scumbag. You called me names for three hours when I wrote that, and now you're plagiarising the idea and trying to pass it off as your own?

Honestly mate. You are a joke.

Side: Such Idiots
1 point


Is what happens when you aren't writing your text directly into the box, but are instead trying to flower it up in a Word Processor because you are a desperate egotistical loser who wants to show off.

Side: Such Idiots
1 point

Reality must be random because something was able to randomly come from nothing

I just can't get over how stupid this comment is. Lol.

Tell you what. I'm going to arbitrarily decide that once there was nothing, that something came from it, and that it was random, then use my three completely baseless assertions to qualify my conclusion which, you guessed it guys, is also a completely baseless assertion.


Side: Such Idiots
1 point

It is at this point that true science warns against having any particular inclination on the matter

Oh, OK. So after it (i.e. "true" science) baselessly assumes that once upon a time there was nothing, that "something" emerged from this nothing, and that this emergence was "random", it cautiously "warns against having any particular inclination on the matter" after this point? That's good to know.

Ahahahahahaha! Your delusions are priceless. Adopt the authoritarian tone of someone well-versed in such arguments, but ignore the decade of study involved and just pretend. Call your version of events "true science" and label everything else heresy. Then deny you're acting like a religious person.

What a goddamned idiot.

Side: Such Idiots
1 point

an electron is always in 1 of 2 places and no way to tell which etc.

Mingi, this statement demonstrates that you have fundamentally no idea about the basics of quantum mechanics. It's essentially the opposite of true. Electrons function both as point particles and also as waves in which they occupy all possible positions simultaneously. This is literally entry level stuff. I'm not even a scientist and I know it, so you have absolutely no excuse other than not being very bright.

Side: Such Morons
SunTzuv2(52) Clarified
1 point