
Debate Info

Duh! Of course not
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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 Duh! (3)
 Of course not (2)

Debate Creator

Shemael(381) pic

Lego rocks


Side Score: 4

Of course not

Side Score: 2

Lego's are the best toy ever invented, because you can make more toys out of them. Unfortunately they are overpriced, which is why I stopped buying them and use Lego Digital Designer now. Here are my digital Lego creations

Side: Duh!
1 point

The only thing lego is good for is making your cousin step on. ;)

Side: Of course not
1 point

Umm...yeah I did play Lego when I was young,but now I have lost some interest in it. Lol

Side: Duh!
1 point

Duh of course. Lego is the best toy ever invented for teenagers. Even though it breaks easily and pieces get lost, it is still the coolest toy compared to any other toy. Who agrees with me

Side: Duh!
1 point

No way! I will have to clean up the mess afterwards and after that if you lose a piece and it is a lego model of,um, a stormtrooper then it would never be the same again

Side: Of course not