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Debate Score:39
Total Votes:39
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 Agree (11)
 Disagree (19)

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AbbyNestor(1028) pic

Lesbians are always man-like.

This isnt my opinion but I want to hear from you all. Lesbians are always manly. They were mens clothes and even act like men. Do you agree or disagree? Once again I do not believe in this.


Side Score: 15


Side Score: 24
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Sometimes we have some more manly lesbians but I have seen some incredibly feminine lesbians. I see it quite often to be honest.

Side: Disagree
Rogue Rascal(9480) Clarified
1 point

What goes on between you and your hand should stay between the two of you, alright?

Side: Agree

Excuse me? I do not see how any part of your argument contributes to this debate. You are critically far off topic.

Side: Disagree
Sitara(11080) Disputed
1 point

Objection, relevence? .

Side: Agree

I agree with you.

Side: Disagree
2 points

There exists several categories of lesbian styles..

There exist several categories heterosexual styles. Insinuating that all of one group look like anything is insinuating that you can always spot them. There are gay males that look and act heterosexual, just like there are gay females that look and act heterosexual, and their are some heterosexual males and females that act and may dress like someone of another sex.

I've been asked if I'm gay quite enough times, because I don't stare at breasts all day long. While I have heterosexual female acquaintances who have been asked if they are lesbian because they freerun and wear 'boys clothes'.

Side: Disagree
2 points

Nah... Lipstick Lesbians are very feminine.

Side: Disagree

I almost got bitten my at least 4 UFO's .

Side: Disagree
1 point

I hope they weren't lesbian UFOs. .

Side: Disagree
2 points

For years, decades, for a pretty long time it has been suspect that sexual identity dictates a correlation with sexual orientation, as we progress we find evidence that is not the case, and that we don't have much of a reason to think so.

Side: Disagree
2 points

Some are some aren't, iv'e also met some very butch straight women and some very feminine lesbians. A lot of the time i've noticed it depends on jobs and hobbies women that tend to work in a more macho male orientated place eg a building site tend to come across as being a bit butcher regardless of sexuality.

Side: Disagree

This is simply ridiculous. While some are butch, some are not. It's largely what culture one was raised in more than what one looks like that determines their sexuality.

Side: Disagree
1 point

Most lesbians that I've met have been very, very, woman-like. More than most woman I've met actually. xD

Side: Disagree
1 point

Nah. My girlfriend is super feminine. I'm much less so, but not man-like.

Side: Disagree