
Debate Info

Obama is a douche bag Suck it, Lincoln
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:13
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 Obama is a douche bag (4)
 Suck it, Lincoln (2)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Lincoln freed the slaves. 1st black president wants to retire his coin.


 If this is not irony,

then I do not know the meaning of the word.

Obama is a douche bag

Side Score: 6

Suck it, Lincoln

Side Score: 4
2 points

I wish Obama would just retire himself.

Side: Obama is a douche bag

Maybe they should put Lincoln on a dollar coin ;)

Side: Obama is a douche bag
1 point

Obama is a douche bag, that is the word that comes too mind

Side: Obama is a douche bag

Maybe they should put Obama on the penny ;)

Side: Suck it, Lincoln
1 point

Lincoln did not free the slaves. You are not free if you cannot vote.

Side: Suck it, Lincoln