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 Look how lost our nation has become from PC Democrats pushing this PC LBGT insanity. (6)

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FromWithin(8241) pic

Look how lost our nation has become from PC Democrats pushing this PC LBGT insanity.

America is becoming a divided nightmare. There is nothing the Democrat party stands for that does not create dissention between Americans. Everything they say and do is IN YOUR FACE! If you do not agree with this political correct insanity, then you are BAD PEOPLE. You will lose your job if you don't agree with the minority of activists with the power of activist Justices behind them.

America is losing everything that made it great. Our freedom of speech, our freedom of religious differences, our freedoms to dissagree with our PC politicians, our freedoms to run our businesses as we see fit. WE CREATED THOSE BUSINESSES! The nerve of this sick controlling Government to tell us how to run it?

Democrats will use any tragedy to keep the Black vote no matter the dissention it creates between the races. Democrats are truly evil to not care about the dissention created between Whites and Blacks caused by constant race bating. Many people die and have their communities ruined because of the race bating from Democrats.

Democrats constantly push dissention between income classes for the vote. They constantly push dissention between people with different sexual orientaitons, all for the money and the vote.

IT TRULY IS SICKENING! The sickest part is how many people will still vote for these extremists. They have been bought and paid for by these corrupt pandering politicians. This has been the Left's plan all along. To create a welfare culture of voters with the numbers that can not be beat no matter how corrupt democrats have become. Obama being elected twice is proof of this sick selfish culture. Now we have Hillary Clinton who probably deserves to be jail, as the democrat fron runner. Need I say more?

If you notice, the Republican agendas are about lifting up ALL Americans, bringing all people together, not constantly spewing political correct rhetoric that creates dissention. North Carolina would have no need to protect the privacy of women in their own locker rooms were it not for the contant controlling laws forced upon them by the Left.
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2 points

As long as people continue to allow themselves to be muzzled by the threat of being demonized by the left for daring to not go along with their PC nonsense, this will only get worse. Grow a pair, people, because before you know it, those will be frowned upon too.

2 points

Yes, this is why trump is so popular with so many. He turned the tables on Political correctness and no matter how much the liberal media tried to tear him down, it only made him stronger.

I don't truly believe he is for real. I believe he is an oportunist who will change to what ever he needs to be to win. When he hits the general election, you will see a transformation to garnor votes from the Left.

He's probably about as pro life as Planned parenthood. He's very popular in NYC which says it all.

He will probably cave in to all this LBGT fanaticism.

I will hold my nose and vote for him because Hillary and her supreme court justices will put the nail in our coffin.

2 points

Yes, I agree with everything you've stated as far as Trump is concerned. He's acting like a caricature of what appeals to the basest of the conservative party, but it's an act in my humble opinion. Trump will move to the left, as he already is, and should he become elected there will be many disillusioned conservatives who fell for his game of smoke and mirrors. Unfortunately, by then it will be too late to say "You're Fired!".

My dear fromwithin, for the a millionth time, transgender is not a sexual orientation.

FromWithin(8241) Disputed
1 point

What does the T stand for in LBGT? I could care less what anyone calls it, you know what I am talking about.

1 point

The L, G and B are sexual orientations while T is a gender identity.