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True False
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 True (3)
 False (5)

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JakeJ(3255) pic

Many people don't question atheists because they don't wanna go to church.

Be honest. 




Side Score: 3


Side Score: 6
1 point

People go out of their way to question religion (everyone should be questioned) but who's questioning the atheists? At least not as many people.

They have two choices: go with what this smart looking guy has to say and sleep in on Sunday, or at least pick up a bible. (other than to just find stuff wrong with Christianity)

What are most people going to do?

Side: True
zephyr20x6(2386) Disputed
1 point

because atheists don't claim anything to be questioned to begin with, atheists is a lack of belief (A- means not, without; theist means believe in a god; atheist- means not or without a belief in a god) so you can't question something that isn't a claim or belief or assertion. Thats what makes an atheist an atheist that they question religion, and anything else, they don't buy into anything untill its credible. and atheists do get questioned all the time, "how can you explain the universe withoout god?" theres an example, but that does not apply to us because we simply don't buy into god that doesn't dictate our thoughts on anything else necessarily, therefore all atheism is, is a lack of belief in god(s). instead the question shouldn't be at us cause we don't assert anything the question should be "where does everything come from?" not "where did everything come from without god?".

Side: False
2 points

So because atheists don't want to go to church, they aren't questioned often?

This is a non sequitur.

Side: False
1 point

I do not agree that people that don't go to church are all atheist. I am a believer in Christ the Messiah. There is too much evidence that proves that Christ was and through my own experience with Him I have no doubt that Christ is real. I also believe in the Muslim faith because before their was the saviour their was Allah. And who He revealed Himself to, which was Abraham. The Christians get their information from the Muslim faith, Hebrews. In the Bible it says that in the last days the North and the South share faiths, you have the Saviour who came to reveal to the world His love for all nations, unfortunately not all will believe. I don't go to church because I have learned that it is all an Exploitation of God's Word to fit the financial means of others. Rather than the Truth being totally revealed. They give you only just enough information to keep you coming for more. But I only hope that the Churches today would realize it is suppose to teach and preach the Word of God, so that our faith might grow and mature. If not, I can get a blessing from the television, through quiet time, and even calling a friend for support and prayer(Mt. 18:20).

Side: False
JakeJ(3255) Disputed
1 point

I do not agree that people that don't go to church are all atheist.

I never said that.

Side: True
icwhyte(64) Disputed
1 point

"The Christians get their information from the Muslim faith"

How do you work that one out when Islam is 578 years younger than Christianity?

Side: True
1 point

I do not agree that people that don't go to church are all atheist. I am a believer in Christ the Messiah. There is too much evidence that proves that Christ was real. through my own experience with Him I have no doubt that Christ is real. I also believe in the Muslim faith because before their was the Saviour their was Allah. And also, who Allah revealed Himself to, which was Abraham. The Christians get their information from the Muslim faith, Hebrews. In the Bible it says that in the last days the North and the South shall share faiths. The Saviour who came to reveal to the world His love for all nations, unfortunately not all will believe. I don't go to church because I have learned that it is all an Exploitation of God's Word to fit the financial means of themselves (Daniel 11:28). Rather than the Truth being totally revealed. They give you only just enough information to keep you coming for more. But I only hope that the Churches today would realize it is suppose to teach and preach the Word of God, so that our faith might grow and mature. If not, I can get a blessing from the television, through quiet time, and even calling a friend for support and prayer(Mt. 18:20).

Side: False

They don't question Atheists because they're right. :/

There is so much scientific evidence to support Atheism that it's mind-blowing people still follow religions.

Side: False