
Debate Info

Maths Science
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:27
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 Maths (10)
 Science (6)

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Shemael(381) pic

Maths vs Science


Side Score: 16


Side Score: 9
3 points

Mathematics is a science .

Side: Maths
Nebeling(1117) Disputed
2 points

Mathematics is not a science. All definitions of mathematics are controversial, whereas science has an accepted definition (which has to do with the scientific method). Empirical evidence is absolutely essential for any sort of scientific inquiry, whereas mathematics is mostly a priori.

Side: Science
2 points

Well math is very important for people to know. On a side note: Most sciences wouldn't exist without mathematics.

Side: Maths
2 points

Science is the process of defining and measuring the universe. Neither are more important than the other but I am on the side of math because it is extremely useful. Science in respect is just the process of trial ( if I mix A with B I should get C but it created E [chemistry]) but if done right math can define the universe.

Side: Maths
2 points

Science wouldn't be science without statistics. If science wants to have any hope of being a quantative field of inquiry, then it can't avoid using statistics. Science is always questionable, maths produces undeniable facts (in most of its uses anyway). Maths has produces a whole lot of insights, so has science. And while they are hard to argue that one is 'better' than the other, I think it should be clear that we would have no real science without maths. Maths is more fundamental, and that's why I think people often undervalued.

Side: Maths
1 point

Maths is soooooo much easier than science. Science is biology, chemistry and physics. Sooooo many

Side: Maths
1 point

science is sooooo confusing. soooo many terms sand rules. Chemistry is elements, biology is the earth and physics is about energy. So many topics to study

Side: Maths
1 point

Mathematics is all about studying abstract models using specific rules or axioms. On the other hand, science aims to create models that represent real-world phenomena. When science finds an abstract mathematical model that accurately matches a real-world phenomenon, it uses it as a tool.

The hub of the best mathematicians where you can go anytime you need help with math

Side: Maths

Science is real, math is made up.

Side: Science
AREKKUSU(272) Disputed
1 point

Math is as made up as science. >.< .

Side: Maths
2 points

Imaginary numbers are more made up than potassium chloride.

Side: Science
1 point

I hate math. It teaches you to interpret nearly everything through numbers, which is man-made and fundamentally unnecessary. Science is man-made too, and does sometimes include math, but its less restricted and not given laws just because someone thought that's what's best suitable

Side: Science
AREKKUSU(272) Disputed
1 point

Science technically always includes math. Most sciences that have been confirmed as true where 'confirmed' using mathematics.

I agree that science is less restrictive, but the only reason it's less descriptive is because most of the advanced sciences are still just in the form of 'theorys' and still has a long way to go. With that fact said, there will be more arguements and more 'sides to the story', which gives that flexibility, but once we have science all figured out, it's no more restrictive that mathematics. The two are very simular.

(All laws in mathematics were made in the same ways that scientific laws were made... So I don't see your argument there.)

Side: Maths
Kittiana(154) Clarified
1 point

"All laws in mathematics are made the same way scientific laws are made."

True and not true.

Little is ever proposed in math as a theory, and that is why we follow these laws because they are proposed to be true.

"Science technically always includes math."

Advanced sciences require some use of math.

Side: Maths
1 point

Science is the application of math in some cases. So if I were to choose between the two, I'd choose science because it's broader.

Side: Science
AREKKUSU(272) Clarified
1 point

Most cases actually. >.> But rawr! I can't argue anything else in your statement! My love for mathematics fails! D':

Side: Maths
0 points

Math is a science. .

Side: Science