
Debate Info

Debate Score:43
Total Votes:44
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 MEAT (12)
 FRUIT (8)

Debate Creator

Julian255(35) pic

Meat or Fruit


Side Score: 27


Side Score: 16
3 points

Where is Christjesus? This looks like something he'd be interested in.

Side: MEAT
4 points

I had almost the exact same thought when I saw the title of this debate. It kind of bothers me that I have been here long enough to actually get disappointed when I don't see him post something. Its almost like Stockholm Syndrome.

Side: meat
2 points

meat gives you mussle but too much of it can make you fat.

Meat = good

too much meat=bad

Side: meat
2 points

Yeah. It's called portion control!!! idiots dont eat the fat either.!!!!!!!!

Side: meat
2 points

i got to give to those vegitarians i dont know how they do it but meat is hard to get rid of cause it tastes so good, i realy dount like it when its REALLY GREASY! :P

Side: meat
2 points

Meat, you can live off of it. Fruit only like has vitamin c and crap!!!

Side: meat

God knows that I have to have my meat with hot sauce on it.

Side: meat

I would say fruit if I was fat and going to start a diet plan but I am ok now.

Side: meat
2 points

I have to say meat. Fruits better for you, but I can't imagine not being able to have meat. I'm a meat eater. =)

Side: meat
2 points

Meat! Its whats for dinner!

What else can you get protein from while still being a man?!

Side: meat
2 points

Mmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! Meat! Bacon, burgers, steaks.... what's not to love?

Supporting Evidence: Meat! (
Side: meat
1 point

i mean i like both but meat can give you a lot of the protiens you need to grow big muscles and you also get protein which you need!!!

Side: meat
3 points

Fruit because it's better for you!!! (BUUUUUUT... I will never be able to give up medium rare steak for fruit...maybe eat it together)

Side: Fruit
3 points

actualy im going on both sides because both are healthy but too much meat is bad fruit is very healthy.

Side: Fruit
3 points

Fruit its better for you but meat is good but so is fruit so i choose fruit we get to much protine

Side: Fruit
2 points

I like meat But i LOVE fruit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fruit is UMAZING!!!!! yummmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Side: Fruit
2 points

i actually like fruit alot to. there are things in fruit that you need to just like meat. Im on both sides of this. FRUIT ROCKS!!! SO DOES MEAT!!!

Side: Fruit
1 point

Fruit is better because it tastes better, has less fat, and you do not kill an animal by eating it.

1 point

Fruit is so juicy and sweet (or sour, either way's great!) Plus, it's good for you. Gives you all that vitamin C so you don't get sick!


I prefer fruit like watermelon, green grapes, strawberries, and peaches rather than meat.