
Debate Info

Yes. No.
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Yes. (1)
 No. (4)

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peshorox(19) pic

Men are superior to woman.


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 4
1 point

Ok here are some facts :

- Woman have periods.

- Men age better with time and can have kids even when they are 60-70 years old.

- Woman have breasts but with time they become 2 bags that are nailed to their chests

- Men are better physically than women

- Men don't need femnazis to debate on their behalf

- Men make better women than women if they want it (trannies I'm talking to you).

- Men thinks logically while women think emotionally (rational vs illogical thinking you decide)

- Women have double standards (they objectify man, most of them are snobs, reproductive rights all about women never about man, women have no desire to financially support a man for any reson - screw all about being equal if it's for the man's profit , right femnazis ?)

- Woman equality is a farce

- All the tough decisions are made by man not woman

- The "make me a sammich" line didn't come out of nowhere

- Men can be better at anything than women if they want it to (hell they even make better chefs)

Here are a couple of examples about why man are better, there are more I am sure of it but these should provide enough proof.

Side: Yes.

Athletically superior!

Side: No.
1 point

Superior in what way?

Side: No.
1 point

everyone was born equal!!! peace!!!!!!! one love xxxxxx - william ni

Side: No.

I believe we are all one human sex.

Side: No.