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RSS Alexkatie

Reward Points:10
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5 most recent arguments.
1 point

peace!!!! one love!!!!!!!!!!!!! - William Ni, Korean philosopher

1 point

everyone was born equal!!! peace!!!!!!! one love xxxxxx - william ni

1 point

Look at this documentary. It's more reliable than Wikipedia.................

Pyramids were built by aliens
1 point

Do you have any evidence?????? The dimensions are too perfect for egyptians to have created............... ever notice HOW teh PYRAMIDS of GIZA pefectly align with the stars???!?????

2 points

Abortion should be legal with consent form from the clinic, parents and the legislative council. For example, say there was a young girl, or any girl at all who was raped and impregnated with her attacker's fetus. This female should not be forced to carry a reminder of the crime that was committed against her. I am in no way saying that because the fetus was conceived in rape, that it's life holds any less value than a child that was conceived with intention by both consenting parties, but to birth a child is a huge decision that will most likely change the mother's life and identity greatly. Morality is obviously a huge factor in this law, but we have to take the mother's life into consideration.

It is easy to say that if the mother and father are old enough and educated enough to perform the act of sexual intercourse, then the mother is old and educated enough to carry the baby full term with the support (emotional and financial) of the father. What if the sexual education that they received isn't sufficient beyond the basic knowledge of how to perform the act? What if they weren't aware of the dangers of unprotected sex and the possible consequences that come with it? If a sexually transmitted disease such as AIDS which could be passed down to the baby is an issue for the mother, then would it not be best for the fetus to be aborted early in the pregnancy if they had a high chance of leading a lifestyle where they are hindered by AIDS or are HIV positive?

My final point is that of insufficient means to carry the baby full term. If an anti-abortion law is to be passed, then surely the government should also provide for the mother during the 9 months in which she has to carry the baby if she is financially incapable of doing so herself. Someone who isn't able to provide for one person, surely can't be expected to support themselves and a fetus financially. With the cost of the medical checkups, additional medication and frequent ultrasounds alongside a hefty amount of extra food, it is unreasonable to assume that every mother or couple is able to support the baby financially, especially single mothers who are unable to find work.

In conclusion, I believe that abortion should be legal in the first 6 weeks of the pregnancy, before the fetus's heart starts to beat, and with consent from a representative of the legislative council in the area, the clinic and parent(s)/guardian(s) if under the age of 18.

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"betrothed to aditya krishna"

Biographical Information
Name: alan ho
Gender: Male
Age: 11
Marital Status: Single
Political Party: Republican
Country: United States
Postal Code: 1,000,000

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