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Yes this makes sense This won't work because
Debate Score:25
Total Votes:25
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 Yes this makes sense (14)
 This won't work because (8)

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warrior(1854) pic

My solution to school shootings


 The most effective way to end school shootings is to put an end to bullying 

As someone how was themselves the victim of rather intense bullying I can tell

you it's a horrible experience and it dose take you to some dark places. 

I even contemplated shooting up my middle school on a few occasions in those 

days. Bullying is the leading cause of school shootings 75% of all 

school shootings in the U.S are caused by bullying. Stats in the argument section.

so clearlythis is the most effective way to put an end to school shootings.


Yes this makes sense

Side Score: 15

This won't work because

Side Score: 10
1 point 11-facts-about-school-bullying here is that link for some reason when I tried to post it in the description it got rid of half of what I had written.

Side: Yes this makes sense

I agree with this. When victims of bullying learn to hate everyone, it's no wonder that they want to shoot up their school. After the Virginia Tech shooting, everyone was talking about what a horrible person the shooter was. But what about the bullies who made him that way?

Side: Yes this makes sense
1 point

I think that people say crime is wrong, but don't care to think what causes it. Even people in professional positions like school teachers and politicians act ignorant, when they really shouldn't. I faced a lot of ignorance when I was in primary school, I was bullied because I am non-conformist and proud of it (thankfully I'm not bullied anymore). And it wasn't the students so much that upset me, but the teachers. I wasn't exactly your typical victim who sat there and got hit, I hit back. And yes, their parents were more influential than mine, and yes they were Christians where I was an atheist which dropped my credibility at a primary school with the word 'archbishop' in the name.

Side: Yes this makes sense
2 points

Most school shootings may be caused by bullying, but sometimes people are just psychopaths that don't know right from wrong.

I also think that ending bullying is sort of an unrealistic goal. Kids are picky, they will always find a way to make others feel small if they have their own insecurity issues, and the kids that are shy or overly emotional could be set off about any number of things.

Side: This won't work because
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

If insecure these kids had access to more constructive ways of dealing with there problems bullying would not be so prevalent. We can't just sweep this problem under the rug and say "oh well kids are cruel" no their are reasons why kids are cruel and they need to be addressed and dealt with.

Side: Yes this makes sense
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

How would every potential bully be dealt with is my biggest opposition.

Side: This won't work because

There is problem: how are we going to stop bullying. I've never been bullied although I witnesed it once, but I don't think that there is that much bullying really. I think media is exagerating it. Bullying probably is the reason why some people get mad and oftenly that people ate the best ones. I am sorry for your unplesant experience and I can completley understand you, but bullying isn't the reason to start shooting at people. Most of people disfavour bullies but just are affraid to react and protect the victim.

Side: This won't work because
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

We can stop it by

1. Demanding schools exact harsher punishments on bully's

2. Becoming more active in your kids lives. Be there for your kid be someone they can talk to a major cause of bullying is dysfunctional family's

3. Teach your kids to be a defender. A defender is a kid who befriends and comforts victims of bullying and actively steps in and stands up to bully's when he/she sees it occur.

These are just a few solutions. There are countless websites you can visit to find more.

Side: Yes this makes sense
IzetFazlinov(177) Clarified
1 point

Well, its a good theory but I'm not sure if it will work in everyday life because as you said most of bullies come from dysfunctional families. What I think we should do is to increase the overal standard of population (Less people living in low standards = less dysfunctional families)

Side: Yes this makes sense
Quocalimar(6470) Disputed
1 point

Demanding schools exact harsher punishments on bully's

How harsh. In baltimore there's allegedly a zero tolerance policy on bullying. What's lower than zero tolerance?

Becoming more active in your kids lives. Be there for your kid be someone they can talk to a major cause of bullying is dysfunctional family's

I can't imagine kids that want to talk to their parents about personal matters, and I've seen that if you ask anyone what their problem is they become offended.

Teach your kids to be a defender. A defender is a kid who befriends and comforts victims of bullying and actively steps in and stands up to bully's when he/she sees it occur.

That sounds good. If it's tackled early on it may also help to defeat low self esteem and cowardice.

Side: This won't work because

No offence, but bullying is impossible to get rid of. Firstly, there is a large spectrum of actions that can be considered "bullying". Secondly, most bullies have major problems themselves that they vent by engaging in bullying.

Side: This won't work because
Quocalimar(6470) Clarified
1 point

But if the number of bullies is dramatically increased the numbers of potential school shooters will dramatically increase.

Take this phony statistic for example.

If 1 out of every 10 bullied people shoot up a school, and there are 100 people bullied. That is 10 bullied people shooting up a school.

So after the measures to decrease the number of bullies are put in place there are now only 10 bullied people left. Only 1 of them will be a school shooter.

While it is impossible to eradicate bullying the numbers of bullies can be decreased, thus decreasing the number of people getting picked on to the point that they shoot up schools. The debate creator also gave examples of these preventive measures.

Side: Yes this makes sense
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

Okay first of all its not the bully's shooting up the schools it's their victims who have been pushed beyond the limits of their sanity by the relentless torment day after day after day never ending only getting worse until you can't take it any more you just want to shut them up you just want to make them go away you want to make the pain end and suddenly you see your self standing over the lifeless body's of those heartless monsters and feel the most satisfying feeling of victory before you give your self to the sanctuary of death (i had very vivid dreams no I never shot anyone.Yes i was close to that point once yes i do remember it yes i do scare my self when i remember it thank God i moved) Both the columbine and Virginia tech shootings where perpetrated by people who where the victims of endless psychological tourture. It makes you wonder who the real monsters are doesn't it? Are the monsters the kids who committed the act or the kids who drove them to that level of insanity.

Side: Yes this makes sense
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

The preventative measures would insure the mental and physical health and well being of the bully and the would be victims.

Side: Yes this makes sense
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

It's not impossible we can get rid of bullying by identifying the children who do it it, identify the factor in their life which leads to the action and setting up the nessisary support to neutralize, minimize, or counter that negative influence and provide a more productive alternative for the child to cope with said problems.

Side: Yes this makes sense
1 point

From my own experience, I know it is hard to identify problems. Then once you have found a person with problems, they deny it. Not to mention how it all costs money to give psychological help.

Side: This won't work because
1 point

Hypocrite. You support bullying and hate speech. You bitched me out for reporting Prodigee using the N Word. Christians like you disgust me.

Side: This won't work because
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

I'm not suggesting we censor the children pay attention. I'm saying we need to address the root causes of bullying in a way that is positive for the bully and that will give him/her a more constructive outlet to deal with whatever problems they are facing that way they won't feel the need to take it out on other kids.

Side: Yes this makes sense
1 point

People will always be bullied, it's sad and unfortunate, but true. Be it at school, at work, or by governments, people will get their feelings hurt, and they need to deal with it responsibly.

Addressing bullying, if it were even possible, would only address one cause for mass school shootings and violence.

Rather, a better solution to school shootings, would be to arm all school teachers, and remove the "weapons-free" zoning that most public schools have (since when has a sign and a law stopped people intent on killing?).

It'll be impossible to stop school shootings for ever happening, and it's not practical to even try. The best thing that can be done, is to create an environment where stopping an aggressor can be done as immediately as possible, to reduce the damage they can cause as much as possible. This requires the teachers and the students to be armed. The lack of a "Grand Stage" where they can shoot up as many fish in a barrel as they like, might even deter most shooters from the get-go anyway.

Side: This won't work because
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

I completely agree with your second and third paragraphs gun free zones are essentially hunting grounds for psychos. But putting an end or at least greatly decreasing the severity of bullying in school would take out a major cause of 75% of school shootings.

Side: Yes this makes sense