
Debate Info

Hypocrites Grifters and phonies
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:18
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 Hypocrites (7)
 Grifters and phonies (7)

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Nicephorus(223) pic

Nancy Pelosi shows us what Democrats really are

Nancy Pelosi Argues Red States Should Let Illegal Immigrants Stay because America needs people to ‘Pick the Crops’

The party of the Klan hasn't changed, but it's tactics have. Keep the slaves, but not on your plantation where you have to feed and nurse them. It's way cheaper to let the slaves continue to pick the crops while taking care of themselves from afar. Pelosi is the runner of the plantation, and the slaves best stay in their place and do as they're told.


Side Score: 10

Grifters and phonies

Side Score: 7
2 points

Nancy Pelosi Argues Red States Should Let Illegal Immigrants Stay because America needs people to ‘Pick the Crops’


Couple things..

If you're NOT a Native American, your family came here as immigrants. Secondly, the people coming here now are seeking asylum from murderous regimes - a perfectly LEGAL thing to do.. Third - YOU certainly ain't gonna pick any lettuce, but you sure do wanna eat it..

Did I post in the HYPOCRITE section?? I DID.


Side: Hypocrites
Norwich(1576) Disputed
1 point

Oh so very true, especially in my case.

But, there is a legal procedure in place which optimizes the opportunities for immigrants to be suitably located and absorbed by industries requiring their skills and professions, or where VOCATIONAL APPRETISHIPS/TRAINING PROGRAMS exit.

Observing the established immigration procedures also assists the authorities to control the influx of convicted criminals such as paedophiles, drug dealers/importers, murderers, rapists, organized crime members and so forth.

The introduction to my first, rather pretentiously called, 'management development course' was;-GET ORGANIZED.

The border crisis has THE IMBECILE'S hallmark of disorganized pandemonium all over it.

The way this human and national catastrophe has been handled has resulted in a lose-lose situation for everyone.

Side: Grifters and phonies
excon(18262) Disputed
2 points

But, there is a legal procedure in place which optimizes the opportunities for immigrants

Hello again, N:

Need I remind you that seeking asylum is just as legal as whatever procedure was in place when your ancestors got here.

Here are the highlights:

Asylum is a protection grantable to foreign nationals already in the United States or arriving at the border who meet the international law definition of a “refugee.” The United Nations 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol define a refugee as a person who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her home country, and cannot obtain protection in that country, due to past persecution or a well-founded fear of being persecuted in the future “on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion."

I, myself, may be a descendant of asylum seekers. I didn't discuss it with my grandparents. Did you?


Side: Hypocrites
1 point

Pelosi is a patchwork of false tits, plumped out lips, Botox, dermal fillers, false hair, face lifts, but alas, NO BRAIN.

As Pelosi is in a permanent state of intoxication she doesn't have the remotest idea of what's going on in her country so she is libel to SLUR anything.

If you listen to some of her public addresses you will immediately notice that she is hammered and with her blepharoplasty wide-eyed induced startled appearance begins slobbering a load of incomprehensible, fractured up gobbledygook.

Side: Hypocrites
1 point

I'm sure that Poloi's offensive comment was the result of her peanut sized brain being pickled with too many glasses of El Vino Collapso.

It was also most insensitive of the scarecrow's moll to have a recording of Al Jolson singing Ol' Man River playing in the background when she made her profound statement.

Side: Hypocrites

Did Caroline Downey really say the i word? I got banned on one of my accounts for use the i word, you should be using undocumented immigrant not illegal.

Either way I am totally annoyed that such inflammatory dehumanizing language was used. 9 years after the AP changed the stylebook. Caroline Downey and Fox News are grifters and phonies.

I hate hate hate Fox News.

Supporting Evidence: 2013 illegal no more. (
Side: Hypocrites
1 point

Nancy (Face lift) Pelosi and her accomplices have manipulated THE IMBECILE into the position of KAMIKAZE PILOT.

In this role THE IMBECILE is well on his way to completing his assigned mission of bringing about a national APOCALYPSE.

Side: Grifters and phonies
1 point

In reality Pelosi is no more than a brainless, heavily made up Aunt Sally held together with sticking plasters and chewing gum.

If she has any more face lifts and breast uplifts her eyebrows will be on top of her head and her genitalia pubic hair will be on her belly-button.

Side: Grifters and phonies
1 point

I mean, try to guess or imagine the outcry from the mainstream media and the loony leftists if Trump or any Republican politician had made the same demeaning, racist statement as The Ragdoll did.


Side: Grifters and phonies