
Debate Info

Dead on Nonsense
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Dead on (1)

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jessald(1915) pic

Nature rolls the dice more with men.


What do you think of this essay?

It's pretty long.  Here's my super-condensed version:

Men and women have the same iq on average.  But the variance is larger in men.  There are more men than women with very low iqs and more men than women with very high iqs.  

To maximize reproduction, a culture needs all the wombs it can get, but a few penises can do the job. If a group loses half its men, the next generation can still be full-sized.

These are two gender differences among many.  When you examine them all, a trend seems to emerge:  Nature rolls the dice more with men.  Women are designed to be loveable while men are designed to strive, mostly unsuccessfully, for greatness.


Dead on

Side Score: 2


Side Score: 0
2 points

That was a great report. I'd have to agree, men are given a larger margin to fall into than women.

Side: Dead on
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