
Debate Info

I C what U did there Wait..., what? No!!!
Debate Score:58
Total Votes:88
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 I C what U did there (13)
 Wait..., what? No!!! (9)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

Nazi Germay's defeat was foretold long before the start of the war by kid's game


I C what U did there

Side Score: 38

Wait..., what? No!!!

Side Score: 20
2 points

What is the meaning of all this downvoting? Someone fix this!

Side: I C what U did there
2 points

Rock, paper, scissors. It decides may things when your are a child like who gets the last pancake or who goes in goal for the second half. Its good to see the prime minister and the furur like to relive their youth

Side: I C what U did there

Hitler should have waited to see what England was going to use. Instead, Hitler tipped his hand too early, giving the Brits the upper hand ;)

Side: I C what U did there
0 points

That's how we win wars in colonial Europe.

Side: I C what U did there

Yes, this prophecy foretold of what was to come of the war of rock paper scissors shoot.

Side: I C what U did there
1 point

Oh my gosh in a more understated manner moto x3m This is sort of the cutest thing ever! According to what they actually thought, even if I'm not much of a fan of Sonic, I truly like how the trailer has been redesigned moto x3m unblocked In addition, there is something about your work, which is unquestionably of some significance.I do not know what to say really what you share very well and useful to the community, I feel that it makes our community much more developed, thanks

Side: I C what U did there
0 points

Oh no, we're all fucked..................................................................

Side: I C what U did there

No, no..., don't panic..., Obama will surely use paper ;)

Side: I C what U did there
-1 points

Dammit, we need to resurrect Hitler and tell him to kick Ahmadinejad's ass.

Side: I C what U did there

I know you're not serious but just in case I thought I'd reaffirm the fact that the real Ahmadinejad is very far from what the West has protrayed him to be, he may be a semi-crackpot, but in reality he's not much worse than most political leaders.

Side: I C what U did there
4 points


Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
3 points



Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
Cynical(1943) Disputed
2 points

Stop posting pointless shit and downvoting comments that should not be...

Side: I C what U did there
Nummi2(32) Disputed
2 points

I think you'll find we've just conquered this debate.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

This is a really interesting topic.


Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
1 point

What evidence is there to prove this? smash karts This makes no sense venge io

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
0 points

Hello I'm new here. And I'm not understanding this "debate". There isn't really much to debate is there.

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
2 points

Interesting name...

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!
2 points

It's probably another alt...

Side: Wait..., what? No!!!