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Real Not
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:16
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 Real (7)
 Not (5)

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PungSviti(552) pic

New World Order: Real or not

The most popular conspiracy theory´s on the internet undoubtedly are about the NWO.  How real do you think this organization really is.



Side Score: 7


Side Score: 8
1 point

"We walked the 40 blocks to the middle of the place we heard that everything would be...and there were baracades to keep us off the streets, but the people kept on pushing 'til they swallowed the police, yeah they went wild...." There's this song called "Old Soul Song For The New World Order" yeah. That was part of it. :D

But I'm not sure what the new world order IS, so I don't know if it's real or not. X]

Side: Real
1 point

I am assuming that by 'NWO' you mean a one-world government.

I do believe we are moving towards that.

There are currently 7 superpowers that oversee the world's governments.

The EU is one example.

I speculate that eventually these 7 powers will nominate a board to oversee them all and then not run, but oversee, the world's affairs.

It will make catching criminals, following the law, getting jobs in foreign countries, travelling abroad and getting good medical care while abroad all easier.

Side: Real
1 point

Hear what these U.S. presidents and politicians have to say about the military industrial complex, secret societies, and a new world order. These threaten the freedoms of American society, and promise power to a select elite. It is real to them.

Ur an IDIOT if U don't Believe
Side: Real
PungSviti(552) Disputed
2 points

This video is idiotic - It takes snippets of speeches from a bunch of power players and takes what they are saying totally out of context. Ill start by saying this; offcourse these people are trying to gain power; they are politicians and corporate leaders: power is the name of their game. That they might be united at times is quite possible and offcourse it is good to keep an eye on powerful people and what they are doing ( that is not something that is done with hysteric moronic videos like this one)

Now what those people are talking about in the video is a New world order in the sense of a unified economic system - and that by the way is a good thing for numerous reasons - stability with evening out risk is just one of them. And further more it is not a Cabal of people that neccitates this New world order they are talking about - IT IS TECHNOLOGY. with the world being more and more interconnected by means of greater and greater technology comes the change of producing more and more goods/services for less and less work output.

Now I am not saying that there are no conspiracy´s; there are many - people conspire all the time for all sorts of reasons- but conspiracy´s usually don't live that long because information gets to be more and more easy to leak and more and more transparent with before mentioned technology.

for some reason the Internet is packed full with moronic videos like this one (maybe not so strange since new technology is often used for producing pornography at its beginning stages) Alex Jones , that we see in the video is just one of the more prominent paranoid idiot that distributes this crap to the easily disturbed. What he and most of these guys have in common is that they jumble facts together like a bad fusion cook - the use unverified sources - they mix bad folk lore with real evidence - they have no understanding of basic economics and fact gathering - they see everything as a conspiracy (even painfully obvious innocent things) - and they mix this all up with stupid Christian paranoia (all of them seem to think that Aleister Crowley is some sort of Antichrist that gets worshiped by the rich and decadent)

Having said that - I too worry about some of the idiots (especially in America) that get to be in power and what they are doing behind closed doors, and do think there are often times good reasons to be worried - but that dose not mean that I should believe everything bad that I hear about them just because it can be cut in a fast pace way in a poorly directed documentary to look suspicious.

The biggest conspiracy everyone should be worried about is the conspiracy of the stupid - to educate our children worse and worse - to ban stem cell research - to teach creationism as if it is something that makes any sense what so ever.

I am worried about how a person like George Bush can become a president in a country that is one of the most advanced in scientific inquiry - and that an even dumber person (Sarah Palin) has a chance of becoming vice president and even maybe president.

Side: Not

I think that Obama is putting us right on track towards a new world order ;)

Side: Real
2 points

Ill start this: No it isn't real - it is based on allot of decrepit evidence most of what has little to do with each other

Side: Not
TheTruth(5) Disputed
1 point

Bill Clinton's most influential mentor, Professor Carroll Quigley, is renowned for his work on the impact of secret societies upon American history and political landscape. In his book, Tragedy and Hope, Quigley discusses the Milner group.

"I know of the operation of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960’s, to examine its papers and secret records "... "but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known."

Side: Real

In the Bohemian Grove, authoritarian world government vain, it is purely conspiracy. And low grade conspiracy at that.

If you define NWO as simple world government, then maybe yes. I don't think we'll be seeing an actual world government, but increasing the power of supranational institutions like the IMF, WTO, and UN will be necessary in regulating a global economy and enforcing transnational law.

I'm personally in favour of a world government. One that can coordinate earth-policy in a holistic way, for example. However I don't expect it in my life time.

Side: Not
1 point

I've read a book about the NWO, and I have a good friend who is obssessed with it.

But the reason it is so hard to define is because it does not exist, I mean, talk to one person, and NWO is socialism, or the UN taking over the world or something. Talk to another and it's a small group of bankers who control the world through financial institutions and communications conglomerates.

Some say it's in effect now, and has been going on for centuries, others consider it some vague, looming thing that may or may not take over the world, and often in kind of a schizo-suedo logic, connect it with the devil, Revalations, the Rapture or what have you.

It's all insanity. People are very simple, and usually not nearly so interesting as to be capable of pulling such a caper over all of humanity.

I will say though, as to the consolidation of power, which is central to all of the probably hundreds of theories of the NWO,

that power does naturally consolidate itself. It is the nature of humans to use power to protect their power and obtain more of it.

So I would submit that indeed much of the world is controlled by those at the very top, whether elected, whether they have inhereted some kingly fortune (I mean billions not millions), or have control of something people need, like oil or communications.

But there is no secret meeting, power just does what it does, which is consolidate itself and try to keep the masses out.

It is up to us lowly masses to ensure we are not somehow enslaved by those who would if we let them.

Side: Not
TheTruth(5) Disputed
1 point

Council on Foreign Relations meetings are held in secret.

Side: Real
1 point

If it was, we wouldn't be hearing about it, because the incredible power which is attributed to it should be more than enough to shut up anyone.

Side: Not
TheTruth(5) Disputed
1 point

Bill Clinton's most influential mentor, Professor Carroll Quigley, is renowned for his work on the impact of secret societies upon American history and political landscape. In his book, Tragedy and Hope, Quigley discusses the Milner group.

"I know of the operation of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960’s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies... but in general my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known."

Side: Real