
Debate Info

Night Owl Early Bird
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Night Owl (3)
 Early Bird (3)

Debate Creator

KingOfPopForever(6903) pic

Night Owl or Early Bird?

Night Owl

Side Score: 5

Early Bird

Side Score: 4
3 points

I haven't decided, it is 1:00 am .

Side: Night Owl

I just am !

Side: Night Owl
1 point

When I wake up early... The rest of the day is spent dull.

If I sleep early? I will a wake up a million times that night.

I have to sleep late. And wake up late. It is a sad routine!

Side: Night Owl
2 points

I am definetely an early bird, even on the weekends .

Side: Early Bird

I prefer the early morning, I like the smell of a new day.----------

Side: Early Bird

I am a bit of both but I have to say Early Bird because I do get up on weekdays at 4:00 in the morning.

Side: Early Bird