
Debate Info

Nikon Canon
Debate Score:8
Total Votes:8
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 Nikon (2)
 Canon (2)

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PhxDemocrat(13121) pic

Nikon vs. Canon

In your opinion, which camera produces the higher photo image quality?


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 3

In my opinion, Nikon is the best. I recently purchased the Nikon Coolpix P900 that has the incredible 83x zoom and this lens is equivalent to a conventional 2000mm lens on a 35mm camera. Wow!

I was able to snap a spectacular photo of the Blue Moon yesterday with this camera that I could not have achieved before 2015.

Side: Nikon
2 points

I used to be a Nikon fan, but over the last two years have moved over to Canon. I love their product and absolutely am 100% that their cameras take better pictures. The clarity of resolution and color trueness are amazing!

Side: Canon

I actually prefer Canon as from what I think, Canon has made a name for themselves in the previous years and hence I would rather choose Canon over Nikon.

Supporting Evidence: CANON V.S NIKON (
Side: Canon