
Debate Info

Yes! They should just shut-up! No, their grievances are real.
Debate Score:32
Total Votes:32
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 Yes! They should just shut-up! (9)
 No, their grievances are real. (18)

Debate Creator

Taqwacore(668) pic

Non-American Atheists and Theists: A Question...

To non-American Atheists and Theists:


Are you getting sick and tired of the American Atheists/Theist fights consuming most of the attention from genuine Atheist/Theist debates?

Yes! They should just shut-up!

Side Score: 9

No, their grievances are real.

Side Score: 23
1 point

Especially when it affects other branches of society such as politics.

Side: Yes! They should just shut-up!
iamdavidh(4816) Disputed
1 point

Why would one debate another's religion if it were not having an effect on something outside of that sphere?

Would politics not be the largest sphere it could affect outside of its own?

Side: No, their grievances are real.
Axmeister(4311) Disputed
1 point

The idea the a head of state will be elected solely for his religious beliefs and not for his political policies is absolutely ridiculous.

Side: Yes! They should just shut-up!
5 points

I haven't noticed. But perhaps that's because this American doesn't care too much about which country the argument or debate comes from.

Why the hell does it matter unless we're discussing legal issues?

Side: No, their grievances are real.
2 points

Pretty vague question. Are you saying that you believe that the debate on theism/atheism that Americans in particular have is less substantive than in other countries? If so, in what way(s)?

Side: No, their grievances are real.
Taqwacore(668) Disputed
1 point

I find their arguments far less substantive. All both sides seem to really care about is trying to demonize the other. Whereas outside the US we focus on philosophical aspects of the debate and trying to inject new arguments into the god/no-god debate. We also tend not to (I'm coming at this from a theists perspective) try to conflate atheism with Stalinism and religion with extremism. We're not focused on the actions of each group; but the philosophies of each group.

Side: Yes! They should just shut-up!
1 point

What a baseless stereotype.

What a speculative generalization.

So guys like Sam Harris (American), Dan Barker (American), Daniel Dennett (American) and Christopher Hitchens (British-American) only focus on demonizing Christianity, ignore the philosophical aspects of the debate, and never interject new arguments into the god/no-god debate?

We're not focused on the actions of each group; but the philosophies of each group.

Interesting. I guess you don't include yourself in the "we're" group? After all condemned Buddhism because they practice capitol punishment and because of the actions of Buddhists influencing the actions of a local government.

Sounds like you're focused on the actions of each group, too; not the philosophies.

Personally I'm not prejudice enough to think nationality governs how one argues, but I am liberal enough to find that suggestion to be a rotten one.

Side: No, their grievances are real.

The implication being that American debates regarding atheism/theism are not genuine debates? Why the hell not?

Side: No, their grievances are real.
1 point

I haven't noticed any differences between american and continental debates about theism.

Side: No, their grievances are real.

The way you phrase it is very strange. I am not sure what you are complaining about other than American's talking about the atheist/theist debate, as if both sides have nothing to share.

While i do think there are some absurd issues (the whole war on christmas thing), I think it is important that Americans voice their opinions (resonably) so that we keep other people's perspective on the matter in our minds so that one group is not under/over-Representative.

Side: No, their grievances are real.
Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

" I think it is important that Americans voice their opinions (resonably) so that we keep other people's perspective on the matter in our minds so that one group is not under/over-Representative."

Maybe it's just the lack of reasonableness on both sides of the American atheist/theist debate that I'm picking up on. And with so many internet users being American, I feel like I'm being exposed to (and often stereotyped as a theist) by their unreasonableness.

Still, good point you've raised.

Side: Yes! They should just shut-up!
1 point

America has a lot of bat-shit crazy Christians. So, naturally, we also have a lot of atheists who are used to putting up with bat-shit crazy Christians. This doesn't mean that our atheists are also bat-shit crazy, nor does it mean that their arguments are likewise impaired. I think you might be confusing a high percentage of single-brain-celled, born again, evangelical, Republican Christians in this country for a lack of intelligent religious discourse in this country altogether, and I can tell you you're dead wrong. A) because this religious insanity says nothing about the opposition to it, atheism, and b) because we have a large number of highly respected and fiercely intelligent Christian apologists in this country, so even the religious side isn't all ignoramuses.

Side: Yes! They should just shut-up!
1 point

It does'nt bother me if a debate concerning Atheisim and Theism is posted up and it is mainly Americans who join it then who cares at least it gives you someone to debate with if you so choose

Side: No, their grievances are real.
1 point

True. Good point. There's not a whole lot of debate going on on this site (and it's a debating site!?), so any opportunity probably is a good opportunity.

Side: No, their grievances are real.
1 point

Are you saying America is exempt of having there own beliefs? What a dumb topic. Why don't you join the debate instead of trying to create division. This is't a natinal issue its a world issue.

Side: No, their grievances are real.

Its alright. I find it quite entertaining actually since there are numerous displays of intellectual arguments from debates.

Side: No, their grievances are real.