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Yes it should No it shouldn't
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:8
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 No it shouldn't (4)

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Micmacmoc(2259) pic

Nuclear Power Should be Globally Banned

Many people think that nuclear power is a threat.


Many people think that nuclear power keeps order.


If it  could be globally banned and this law enforced would this be a good thing? After all WW2 could start again without any quick decider, then again with nuclear power we could all be incinerated in five minutes and nobody would tell us why.


(By nuclear power I mean nuclear bombs, please do not get confused.)

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Yes it should

Side Score: 0

No it shouldn't

Side Score: 6
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If only more investment was put forth towards nuclear power rather than wind or solar. Or just eliminate all wind and solar research. Concentrate on nuclear. That is the future of power.

Side: No it shouldn't

I assume you are equating Nuclear weapons with nuclear power stations, they are very different things.

Nuclear power is safe provided the plants aren't built of fault lines or in places prone to natural disasters. Coal and Gas plants destroy and have destroyed far more life than any Nuclear plant, besides the environmental damage they are expensive to run and spend millions of tons of fuel.

You can also count on one hand the amount of global black swan events there have been, with relation to Nuclear power.

Nuclear, provided spent rods are dealt with has no effect on the environment, and provides cheap, reliable energy.

Side: No it shouldn't
1 point

After the nuclear crisis in Japan, Many people think that nuclear power is a threat.

However, I don’t think nuclear power should be banned globally because nuclear is one of the most promising sources of alternative energy we have and it most the time very safe.

It has just gotten a bad rap from accidents that have happend

A global ban in not possible, and any attempt will be dangerousIt will be impossible to impose a global ban in nuclear energy. Which Autority will impose it? And how will it be enforced? Even if tried it will be another useless document produced by overpaid bureaucrats. But if done, there will always be countries which will use it, probably with less regulations, because the fearful and weak Wesern governments will pull out and not be able to have their say. Responsible use of any form of energy, including nuclear, is the answer. A ban is as good as closing the eyes to avoid seeing the danger.

Side: No it shouldn't
0 points

People being scared of the words "nuclear" and "radiation" because they don't understand how they work is not solid grounds for formulating energy policies.

We just has what is effectively a worst case scenario in Japan. Outdated reactors... 9.0 Earthquake.... AND a Tsunami.

How many people have been killed by the reactor incident exactly?

And if they had had modern gravity pumped cooling systems there wouldn't even have been a containment issue. How much safer do you want to get???

Side: No it shouldn't