
Debate Info

He should meet the Dalai Lama He shouldn't meet him.
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 He should meet the Dalai Lama (2)
 He shouldn't meet him. (2)

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Volker(89) pic

Obama should meet the Dalai Lama.

He should meet the Dalai Lama

Side Score: 3

He shouldn't meet him.

Side Score: 2
1 point

First of all, because the Dalai Lama is a great man who fights for his cause peacefully. Secondly because Tibetan self-determination is a cause worth fighting for. The third reason is that the Dalai Lama is also a spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, and since Obama has met the Pope it's only fair to meet other religious leaders too. And last not least giving in to Chinese blackmail would encourage the Chinese regime to put even more pressure on the US government.

Side: He should meet the Dalai Lama
2 points

I agree that he should meet the Dalai Lama - but not on the grounds of equality lol. You know how many religious leaders there are in the world? And how much of his time it will take to meet them all? Fuck that.

The Dalai Lama himself is a great man. And the cause he fights for - with the methods he uses only proves so. It would be a great cause for Tibet and would show China that he doesn't fear their reprecussions.

Side: He should meet the Dalai Lama

If Obama wants an infinite source of wisdom, he should come to me first. Who better to supply him with information on making right choices than the only person 100% infalible?

Side: He shouldn't meet him.
1 point

Obama shouldn't. Dalai Lama is actually the slaves'owner, in which slaves refer to Tibetans. Watch this video

Dalai Lama: slave owner of Tibet
Side: He shouldn't meet him.