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Debate Score:21
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cajunmoon(21) pic

2E1 - Online debating is more interesting than classroom debating


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 10
2 points

Yes this more interesting because people with different thoughts put their views whereas in classrooms it may be influenced by teachers and parents.

Side: yes
2 points

I personally find that it's easier to debate online. Part of that reason is that I have more time to react, time to study a person's argument, and decide whether or not I feel like I have to say anything at all. I rarely ever have a solid opinion about anything that I'm ready to jump up and argue for, so for me at least, arguing is something that I would miss out on if it weren't for a time delay.

Anonymity cuts social ties too, so that you don't feel the need to pander to 'your' audience, and you can argue positions that you might find true, but hurt people around you. You're not tied to people in the same way.

Side: yes
2 points

I find that online debating is fun as you can actually see other people's viewpoints from not only your class, but outside at t wider world. Because i find that class debates are "narrow" in t sense that, they are enclosed within t 4 walls of t classroom and sometimes your arguments are kind of "off limits", whereas for online debating you can see many viewpoints that might not be accepted within your classroom. This also allows us t have a wider perspective of life.



Side: yes

I think it's more fun as well. Participants can always throw in an arbitrary comment or something amusing whereas in classroom debating that's not what is wanted.

Side: yes
1 point

Online debating is better.

I started the first video debating site this year,

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Supporting Evidence: “The death penalty should be abolished in the United States.” (
Side: yes
1 point

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Supporting Evidence: get free robux online (
Side: Yes
3 points

Nope, in classroom debating when two people strongly disagree it can get to the point where they are screaming and fighting which is not found online because we are not able to see the other person. I find those kind of arguments to be amusing.

Side: No
1 point

true and sensible... ppl in 2e1 do tat... yeah n in online debate its like zai man

Side: No
2 points

I disagree. I think that when we debate in the classroom, we can express our thoughts more easily. I think that class debate is more interesting as i think classroom debating will be more agressive that online debating when people start screaming and shouting at others their point of views which sometimes may not be really relevant to the topic.

Side: No
2 points


I feel that classroom debating is much more fun than online debating.

In online debating, you don't really feel the heat and tension as in classroom debating. The reason to that is in classroom debating- "live" debating, there is a time limit, which makes it more challenging, as you have to make your stand in a certain period of time.

However, in online debating, you have no time limit, you can take as much time as you want to make your stand. There is no rebuttal going on. But, in classroom debating, it is very fiery as everyone is fighting back, to make their voices heard.

Also in classroom debating, there is competitiveness, which makes you put in more effort to so called, "win".

~ Ayesha-2E1:)

Side: No
1 point

i do not agree as in classrooms one gets to experience the opponents and feel his point much more better...

Side: No
1 point

Classroom debates always end up getting more heated. I ( unfortunately ) ended up making a girl cry during an abortion debate, you don't feel the same emotions when its online.

Side: No