
What is this?

This is a collection of graphs and information about the debate. For clarity, only the top three positions (tags) are presented in graphs.

Language Grade Level uses the Flesh-Kincaid Readability Grade Level formula.

Debate Statistics for 2E1 - Online debating is more interesting than classroom debating
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Side scores:
Yes : 16

Total arguments:
No : 6

Word lengths:
No : 4.51 ave

Language grade level:
Flesh-Kincaid Readability Grade Level
No : 10th

Vocabulary overlap:

Total words used:
No : 293

Word frequencies:
abortion  agree  ayesha2e1  back  certain  classroom  classrooms  competitiveness  cry  debate  debating  disagree  don't  during  effort  emotions  end  ended  everyone  experience  feel  fiery  fighting  gets  getting  girl  heardalso  heated  limit  makes  making  much  online  opponents  period  point  put  really  rebuttal  same  screaming  stand  take  think  timehowever  unfortunately  very  voices  want  win