
Debate Info

yes-why no-why
Debate Score:66
Total Votes:79
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 yes-why (28)
 no-why (29)

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AveSatanas(4443) pic

Perhaps the Greatest Anti-theism video of all time

This video reminded me why i became an outspoken atheist in the first place and gave me a renewed goal. tell me what you all think.


Side Score: 30


Side Score: 36

The video is such a nice example of what Christianity actually is.

Side: yes-why
1 point

Beautiful video. Thanks for posting. I see his point, but I still watched Jesus Camp when it came out. I think it's good for spreading awareness. Anyway, he's right. It's just that what he has to say might come across as harsh, but if you watch his video to the end, you realize that the poster does have a good heart and doesn't hate anybody.

Side: yes-why
1 point

I don't think this video is bad because it simply tells you to believe what you want with you own will , not being persuaded , tricked , or forced to do so .

Btw , major campaign to the right :l

Side: yes-why
3 points

This is intolerant bullshit I grew up Catholic and I had a completely normal childhood and I was NEVER told to kill or even harm anyone. I was a happy child and I'm a happy person now and guess what I'm religious. You atheists need to learn to except that some people don't believe like you and we have a right to. And by the way I don't know where the ignorant halfwit who made this video got his info but Christianity dose not encourage violence, or human sacrifice, or any of that other bull shit he spewed. What a bigot.

Side: no-why
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
0 points

It's not talking about everybody. Only evangelist Christian extremists or extremists of any kind. Not the average joe. I guarentee you had nowhere close to the experiences that the kids in the movie Jesus Camp did/do. Don't get offended

Side: yes-why
warrior(1854) Disputed
1 point

I don't see any evidence of violence at any level coming from the evangelical extreme side of Christianity either. I also find it interesting that while trying to insinuate that Christians were raising a "youth army" he showed pictures of Muslim children what a dumb ass.

Side: no-why
2 points

Hah, hardly...

This video was nothing but another angry and frustrated individual about the extremist christians (groups of people) whom use christianity as a means of forceful, misinformed, and overall overly aggressive and closed-minded-ness, to press their beliefs onto other people, namely in this case "the children"...

Okay, so let's all agree that it is obvious that parents teach their children their views on how the world is around them and their beliefs; no one is void of this, it even happens to people whom grow up without parents; adopted, parents die in accident then are raised by X, Y, Z; the so-called "indoctrination" is inevitable to the human being.

Let us also emphasize that the significance of not being able to control where, how, why, when we are born, leaving us vulnerable for memories to be instilled into us. And further, when the child grows up to adolescence, they change their views, the adapt, they compromise, and when they become adults within adulthood, they do the same thing, humans change, adapt and so on; there is constant influence continuously throughout our daily lives.

And so, I digress.

There are people, like in the video, whom become so focused on a particular method of teaching, aka christianity, that they become obsessed with the fact and notion that christians whom are extremists, that is, those christians whom have utilized their beliefs to be a part of wars, rape, adultery, hypocrisy, anything negative [ECT], create this idea that "religion is nothing more than a brainwashing technique for control, for the 'betterment' of 'nothing', and so we do not want to teach children in public schools the filth that is brought with this religion, christianity." Does that pretty much sum it up? I know so.

And so further, because the extremist christians are doing what they do, they wash out the genuine christian, the christian whom does not rape, does not steal, does not cheat, is not a hypocrite. And so, then it becomes a person, like in the video, not bashing christianity, or it's beliefs as a whole, it questions and examines those that use christianity as a way of negativity, as a way to harm, to cheat, to steal, making the belief system look as if it's an unnecessary crime to mankind. AHA! yet we're all human, correct? And humans make mistakes all of the time, we call that "human error".

Finally, it's quite frustrating to establish these realities, that there are people whom make other people look bad, with or without even knowing how or why they're doing what they're doing. And so in short, this video is just another pissed off atheist, agnostic, whatever, whom is bashing christianity as if it's the most evil thing that could ever happen to people in America, or other Judaism believing people, and its future

Side: no-why
1 point

I don't know. Most atheists I know are spectacular people and I love them dearly. Most anti-theists I know are socially inept and pedophile apologists like Dawkins, mass-murder apologists like Hitchens, or just plane whacked conspiracy theorists like Sam Harris (n.b. claims to be a credible scientist, believes in reincarnation).

Side: no-why

God is proved by Quantum Mechanics. Quantum Mechanics states that before the universe, there were quantum fluctuations occurring all over the place. The Big Bang was most likely a massive quantum fluctuation that became self-sustaining, but to become self-sustaining external forces would have to aid it so that it could become powerful enough. Since no other matter existed, God is the only explanation. A quantum fluctuation expands quickly if it becomes self-sustaining, and since time was not invented yet it probably seemed like a huge very fast explosion. There is more but that is all for now.

Side: no-why
AveSatanas(4443) Disputed
0 points

That is completely wrong in every way. This argument is absurd.

God is proved by Quantum Mechanics

God hasn't been proven by anything ever let alone quantum physics which if anything disproves him.

Quantum Mechanics states that before the universe, there were quantum fluctuations occurring all over the place

Quantum mechanics is a field of science. It can't say anything. It in of itself isn't a theory. And what you stated is just one theory and its really rediculous as there is still large discrepancy as to whether there was a "before the universe" or if it has always existed. Before you can say what was before the Big Bang you need to prove there WAS a before the Big Bang. Which nobody has. Where the hell did you get your info from?

The Big Bang was most likely a massive quantum fluctuation that became self-sustaining,

It was a rapid expansion of space-time. You're just throwing out it words to sound sciency. And again, where are you getting this info?

but to become self-sustaining external forces would have to aid it so that it could become powerful enough

Um. No. Within that point of singularity there was plenty of energy released to become self sustaining as you put it. There's no evidence that another otherworldly power was needed. You just pulled that out of your ass.

Since no other matter existed, God is the only explanation

We've already established that it WASN'T necessary for an other worldly force to assist the Big Bang. Also, if there WAS another source needed to power it who says it wasn't another natural force? You jump right to the god conclusion based on absolutely nothing. You need to prove that it IS god first which nobody has ever done ever. Also, right now you're supporting the Big Bang. Saying god made it happen. If the Big Bang happened, biblical genisis is 100% false. Which means god didn't create us in any way and that our universe and planet evolved by purely natural means. So if he didn't make anything he becomes a pointless god to worship. And it also makes him not the god of the bible, but some deistic clockmaker god. Either way, you're false.

. A quantum fluctuation expands quickly if it becomes self-sustaining, and since time was not invented yet it probably seemed like a huge very fast explosion. There is more but that is all for now.

What the fuck are you talking about? Time wasn't invented yet? Time has always existed! Nobody invented it! Time is just what we humans call th progression of, we'll, time! That's how we express it. The Big Bang couldntve even happened without time passing so how could time have been made after? That's completely illogical and wrong.

Secondly, the Big Bang wasn't an explosion, it was a rapid expansion of space time and such. I'm not an expert, but I know it fairly well. And your explaination is totally crazy, wrong and flawed on multiple levels and fails ultimately to prove its conclusion of god existing.

No, don't add anymore I've heard enough.

Side: yes-why
Consigliere(183) Disputed
1 point

First of all of course there was a period before the big bang. You clearly have no understanding of Quantum Mechanics to talk so lightly of it and not actually disprove my original theory using actual scientific fact. And most importantly, since quantum fluctuations were the only thing there, besides God, what else could have given it the required amount of energy to become self-sustaining? You are backing your arguments up with opinion, and that is useless in this debate. I'm not sure if you are familiar with Pascal's Wager, but if you are not please look it up and rethink your beliefs. Time, you moron, began when we were created. Who was there back then to keep track of time? That's what I thought, nobody. The Big Bang was a rapid expansion of MATTER, not time. How can time expand? By the way, the Bible was written by man. It could be incorrect on multiple levels. I go with what I can make sense of for the most part, and that is why I have made this theory. I don't know how you cannot believe in God, because his existence is absolutely necessary. If women give birth to man then where did the first man come from? How did that man create the first woman? Just a helpful little hint, back up your arguments with actual fact next time instead of just throwing out personal opinion. Sure my opinion is that God exists, but at least I can prove that using the very thing you people use to try to prove him wrong.

Side: no-why