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 Political Spectrum Quiz (21)

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ThePyg(6706) pic

Political Spectrum Quiz

This has been here before, but in the spirit of debateleader creating his own political spectrum, I'd like to post the actual political spectrum quiz, which will place you somewhere on the spectrum.

[Go here to take the quiz](

I'd say that it's quite accurate.  And the wording is better than the politicalcompass test, which has outdated questions that are badly worded.


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1 point

My results are:

Economics: +7.19 right

Social issues: +9.69 libertarian

Foreign Policy: +8.39 non-interventionist

Culture: +8.19 Liberal

Post your results. I always find these fun.

1 point

I scored:

Economic Right +9.68

Social Liber +7.9

Non-interventionalist +6.33

Cultural liberal +3.88

left moderate social libertarian.

Left: 5.11, Libertarian: 1.77 is that good?

Foreign Policy: -5

Culture: -4.27

I am a little more left than average quiz takers

This should be interesting, as I have no idea about any politics whatsoever. I scored:

Foreign policy: -8.77 (Non-interventionalist)

Culture: -7.88 (Cultural liberal)

I am a "center-left social libertarian."

I didn't get any results for economics or social issues though, I mainly put "neutral" on them.

1 point

I'm a center-left social authoritarian.

Left: 1.21, Authoritarian: 4.03

Foreign Policy: 2.53 (Neo conservative)

Culture: 4.83 (Conservative)

Though I believe I wasn't able to express my true intentions with the limited answers.

Bohemian(3858) Clarified
1 point

Is this the only authoritarian score on here?

1 point

You are a center-left social libertarian. (I honestly don't even know what this means, I'm so detached from politics) X)

Left: 2.39, Libertarian: 3.84

Foreign Policy:

On the left side are pacifists and anti-war activists. On the right side are those who want a strong military that intervenes around the world. You scored: -8.24


Where are you in the culture war? On the liberal side, or the conservative side? This scale may apply more to the US than other countries. You scored: -5.75

I am not sure but I think it means you are liberal on social issues and you are in the middle but slightly left wing. Can anyone make sure I got that right?

Oh, a center left social libertarian eh? Looks like you and I have something in common. I can teach you all about this... or I could teach you other things. Raw.

Please don't call the cops.

1 point

XD I'm pretty sure I could teach you a few things too. lol

And I wouldn't mind learning a little about politics, though I doubt I'll ever seriously get into it.

I won't call the cops if you won't ;)

1 point

My results are:

Apparently, I am a right moderate social libertarian

Right: 5.57, Libertarian: 1.99

Foreign policy 5.47

Culture -1

Oh can that be!?!

1 point

Economics: -.09 Left

Social Issues: -6.88 Libertarian

Foreign Policy: -9.52 Non-Interventionist

Cultural: -7.4 Liberal

That makes me an economic centrist, a social and foreign policy libertarian, and a cultural liberal.

Although I did do this before in a different one, I'll do it again.

You are a far-right social libertarian.

Right: 9.48, Libertarian: 8.66

Foreign Policy:

On the left side are pacifists and anti-war activists. On the right side are those who want a strong military that intervenes around the world. You scored: -4.97


Where are you in the culture war? On the liberal side, or the conservative side? This scale may apply more to the US than other countries. You scored: -3.65

You are a left social libertarian.

Left: 4.02, Libertarian: 4.38

Foreign Policy: You scored: -5.38

Culture: You scored: -5.87

1 point

You are a left social libertarian.

Left: 3.22, Libertarian: 4.75

1 point

I am a centrist, moderate, social libertarian. Wow! Whatever that means.

right social libertarian.

Right: 7.19, Libertarian: 4.68

Foreign Policy 3.17

Culture: -1.38