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 Pop-star Robots in China (6)

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beachgirl98(6) pic

Pop-star Robots in China

Do you agree with the new pop-star robot making new hit singles on the other side of the world? Honestly, I don't agree with it. It's kind of creepy and not natural. The voice is human like but movements aren't. 

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2 points

Isn't this just the next logical step, pop stars have been essentially robots for years.

1 point

too true XD

1 point

Watch this video and anyone let me know what you think, I believe it's ridiculous.

Japanese Robot Pop-star
ricedaragh(2494) Disputed
1 point

You do realise that your video says Japanese Robot Pop Star right?

1 point

OK, so we have sex robots, singing robots.... Where the heck is the robot that does my cleaning and cooks for me? I mean, wasn't that why everyone wanted a robot as a kid?

1 point

its weird! why should a machine have more fame? their are people all around the world with amazing talent and nobody can discover them because everyone is too busy loving to hear a robot with a programed voice.