
Debate Info

True! False!
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:6
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 True! (2)
 False! (2)

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wolverinetre(238) pic

Praying to a banana is the same as praying to God.

Do a study. Pray to "God" 5 times and pray to a banana 5 times. The outcomes are random. The banana might even answer more of your prayers!




Side Score: 2


Side Score: 2
1 point

Yes... because you get the same results. Although, praying to something you "know" won't answer you versus something you believe "might" answer you are totally different.

Side: True!
1 point

I carried out this experiment, and O Mighty Banana answered all my prayers. I now believe in Bananas, and nothing else, and shall strive to create a world where everything is yellow, and every town has a Banana church.


Side: True!
0 points

Praying to a banana is praying to something that is known to exist. Praying to a God is praying to something someone told you exists but you have no reason to believe it if you don't buy into their threats of eternal damnation.

Strangely enough if you pray to a tangible object you'd be considered a nutjob or in the least an oddball, but pray to a mythical being and you're entitled to fanny about telling everyone that they're wrong and are completely protected by government.

Side: False!
0 points

No bananas actually exsist! Which is more than I can say about God! Bananas can be proven. You wanna worship bananas go ahead. i will think you are a weirdo but then again I think people who worship god are weirdos too!

Side: False!