
Debate Info

Romney Obama
Debate Score:21
Total Votes:22
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 Romney (2)
 Obama (15)

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wardogninja(1790) pic

Presidential Election 2012

This is my first year voting, but i have not been able to decide which candidate to vote for yet. 

Do you have an idea of which candidate you will vote for in the coming election?

Who do you think is winning in the debates? 


Side Score: 4


Side Score: 17
2 points

Romney all the way. Obama doesn't know what he`s talking about. If you think about his wife is running this country because she`s getting him to do it for her. Like with the school lunches her idea not obama so she has him whipped. Romney know what to do and how to do it

Side: Romney
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

What President doesn't have his wife running things? Reagan had Alzheimer. Hillary had Bill's balls in her purse. FDR had Eleanor. Jack Kennedy had Marilyn and Jackie.

You think George Bush JR did any thinking? Nobody else does.

Romney doesn't know how to wipe his ass.

Side: Obama
1 point

President Buchanan.

Side: Obama

OK, don't listen to anyone on that ---> side. Only listen to people on this side. You don't want to vote for Obama. ;)

Side: Romney
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

Just wondering if you're going to enjoy your trickle down paycheck. You like trickle down so well; why not work for a paycheck in the same manner. I'm sure your employer won't use any tax loop-holes to avoid giving you a big piece of their profits.

Side: Obama

Do you really think that another Obama administration is going to be that much better ;)

Side: Obama

This is my first year voting, but i have not been able to decide which candidate to vote for yet.

My first year too.

Do you have an idea of which candidate you will vote for in the coming election?

I'm probably going to pick Obama.

Who do you think is winning in the debates?

I believe Romney won the first debate. In the first debate, Romney came across as confident and strong, and maybe a few times a little "too strong". Obama was more calm, quiet, and polite and seemed as if he didn't have the confidence that Mitt Romney was showing. I also heard that people thought obama appeared professorial, and I agree with that statement. Obama was calm, spoke a lot about facts and such, things of that nature. Romney was on the offensive though, and Obama didn't confront romney on much, despite having CLEAR opportunities to counter him effectively.

In the second debate, the town hall debate last night, I believe Obama came out on top. Mitt Romney seemed just as confident and competent as the last debate, the only problem is Obama stepped up his game x50. They both came out attacking the each other every opportunity they had to speak. I loved the parts where they were essentially both trying aggressively to talk over each other, and confronting each other on things that they said, their record, their plans, etc. I believe Obama was the clear winner.

So Romney won the first debate in my opinion.

Obama won the second debate in my opinion.

Side: Obama
1 point

vote for obama. i can't vote yet, but if i could i would vote for obama. i watched the second debate, i may not understand what exactly they are talking about, but if you watched the debate, you would realize that romney was never clear on what he was actually going to do. where obama was attacking, important concepts and giving clear answers. with the jobs, romney said he wanted to make them more "attractive" Obama said a more clear plan, selling more american made things, and stuff like that, i can't exactly remember the whole thing. but if you are still not sure, watch the second debate, and you will see what i am talking about.

Side: Obama

It is now 2015 and I am so happy that I voted for Obama in 2008 and again in 2012.

Side: Obama