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Debate Score:25
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 Tru dat (12)

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pakicetus(1455) pic

Proof that taking Noah's Ark literally is stupid and stupid

Argument by ricedaragh


Enjoy >:)

Tru dat

Side Score: 16


Side Score: 9
3 points

Not only is it downright embarrassing and disturbing that a full-grown adult in the modern era would take the flood story literally, pretty much all of God's actions as described in the Bible are proof of his ineptitude. There are literally an infinite number ways an infinite being could have handled the overwhelming evil of mankind without setting up such a complex scenario that deviates heavily from perceptible reality. Not to mention ways that wouldn't have punished all the animals and plants for our human transgressions. And...evil kept cropping up over and over again not long after the flood and humanity was reestablished. So, to a thinking, compassionate, result-oriented person, it seems kind of pointless to set the stage for a story that a) has no backing, b) was needlessly brutal and c) didn't do any lasting good when he had other options available to him.

Side: Tru dat
pakicetus(1455) Disputed
1 point

This... just this.

Side: Tru dat
2 points

Jack and the beanstock is a more believable tale. .

Side: Tru dat
1 point

reads ....


Side: Tru dat
2 points

Noah couldn't have been in a location that had every type of animal within walking distance. I just imagine two polar bears swimming thousands of miles to get to him before the flood hits. I'd be like, "Damn! Noah and his family couldn't have been the only decent people on Earth. It would have been a little more helpful if God requested boats be built by more than one person."

Side: Tru dat

Ok it maybe stupid, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

pakicetus(1455) Disputed
1 point

Did you read the argument I posted?

Side: Tru dat
1 point


All it did was point out the fault in the story told in the bible. It did not disprove that there was a man named Noah who built an ark and then carried a bunch of animals around in it on a bunch of water.

pakicetus(1455) Disputed
1 point

Did you?

Side: Tru dat
1 point

Did you read the argument I posted?

1 point

Did you?