
Debate Info

Rambo has more balls Norris is immortal
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 Rambo has more balls (1)
 Norris is immortal (1)

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monstrasitix(269) pic

Sylvester Stallone VS Chuck Norris

In an orderly old fashion tell me,

who will beat the guts out of who?

Rambo has more balls

Side Score: 1

Norris is immortal

Side Score: 1

Stallone for sure. Chuck Norris is an over-done political hack that did some two-bit western movies. Stallone has had a legitimately rough life and has become a pretty awesome person as a result, who has time and again been seriously injured while making movies due to his insistence on realistic stunts (that he performs).

Side: Rambo has more balls
1 point

I have to go with CHuck Norris over Stalone. My primary reasoning lies with the movie characters each played. Check was a cool marshal arts guy playing calm cool and collected but kick ass. Stalone played the poorly educated guy from the wrong side of the tracks. Also Chuck Norris is so cool that in the movie Dodgeball, they used him as the final member of the board to allow Average Joe's to continue playing. He gets my thumbs up!

Side: Norris is immortal