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Debate Score:8
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NigerInnis(120) pic

Remembering when Republicans warned Dems about Russia and they laughed


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 2
1 point

I recall Trump warning the Germans about the dangers of relying on Russia for over 50% of their energy requirements, and they sniggered and smirked as only the Krauts can.

Herman the German sure ain't laughing now.

Side: Yes
1 point

Remembering when Republicans warned Dems about Russia and they laughed


Nahhh.. What I remember is that most Republicans were following their dear leader and kissing up to Putin.. Fully 50% of Republicans still are. If you don't believe it, watch the right wing standard bearer, Tucker Carlson, fawn over Putin and the great Russian cause every night.



Side: No
Developing(494) Disputed
1 point

Excon, curious if Tucker Carlson is the supposed "right wing standard bearer" then who is the LEFT wing standard bearer?!? Also, where did you get that 50% statistic?!? Please provide a link.

Side: Yes
excon(18262) Disputed
1 point

? Also, where did you get that 50% statistic?!?

Hello again, hater:

Whaaa?? Do you deny that a majority of your party is bat shit crazy???


Bwa ha ha ha ha h a h a ha


Side: No
Developing(494) Disputed
1 point

Excon, when you say "dear leader" are you comparing USA President Donald Trump to that of the Supreme Leader of North Korea?!? If so, you should understand how ridiculous that is, right?

Regarding your comment "Kissing Up To Putin" are you talking about President Trump keeping lines of communication open with Russia and not closing off diplomatic relations? What benefit was it for Joe Biden to act with hostility towards Putin? Biden has foolishly closed off the opportunities to have direct communication with his Russian counterpart.So as we all witness the Ukrainians getting absolutely pulverized do you really think that Biden made a wise move?

Side: Yes
BellyButton(31) Disputed
1 point

Nahhh.. What I remember is that most Republicans were following their dear leader and kissing up to Putin.. Fully 50% of Republicans are

Post us some examples. Last time you were asked, you posted a video of Tucker Carlson not praising Putin, but trashing Democrats for being war mongers.

Side: Yes