
Debate Info

Yup But Mein Fascist Narrative
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:20
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 Yup (5)
 But Mein Fascist Narrative (7)

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BurritoLunch(6566) pic

Republicans Could Have Saved You From Covid-19. Instead They Let 200,000 People Catch It

Coronavirus scythes across U.S. as cases top 200,000

Buh, buh, buht, it's all Obama's fault.



Side Score: 6

But Mein Fascist Narrative

Side Score: 9
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But wait... These figures can't possibly be accurate because as our resident expert in truth Bronto'sGhost keeps repeatedly asserting (and quite rightfully so), Trump issued a complete "travel ban" in January.

This must be more fake news from the leftist media. Those rascals. Always printing the fake news.

Side: But Mein Fascist Narrative

Sure Trump could have done things way better. Sure there are idiot Governors like in Texas and Georgia. But this is a global pandemic. over 1million cases. 200 countries. Trying to blame republicans is misleading and pointless.

I think there should be a commission setup with equal dems and republicans, and it have a budget of $200M to look at the history of what was said, by who, to what, and what the results were on a state by state basis.

Side: But Mein Fascist Narrative
0 points

Republicans Could Have Saved You From Covid-19. Instead They Let 200,000 People Catch It

The areas worst hit in America are run by Democrats who said the virus was less than the flu.

Side: But Mein Fascist Narrative
2 points

The areas worst hit in America are run by Democrats

America is run by a Republican you backwards idiot. Whatever is black you will claim is white. Get out of my thread you annoying Nazi.

Side: Yup
BrontosGhost(628) Disputed Banned
0 points

The Corona states aren't run by Trump. They're run by Democrats. Excellent point. Am I suprised that you don't understand how states and Governors work? No. But I'll give you a brief lesson nevertheless.

Ya see, Oklahoma has a Governor over the entire state. Oklahoma has its own laws different from other states. Oklahoma has a border. Oklahoma has its own population seperate from other states....

Oklahoma Governor enacting new COVID-19 guidelines, no statewide ‘Stay-At-Home’ order in place guidelines-no-statewide-stay-at-home-order-in-place/amp/

Side: But Mein Fascist Narrative
0 points

Coronavirus scythes across U.S. as cases top 200,000

Which is less per capita than left wing European countries meaning we've contained it better.

Side: But Mein Fascist Narrative
1 point

meaning we've contained it better.

You have the highest number of confirmed cases on the entire planet you laughable scumbag. And even if you want to distort that and use per capita figures then you still have the seventh highest per capita infection rate in the entire world. If that is containment in your mind then you are utterly delusional.

Side: Yup
BrontosGhost(628) Disputed Banned
1 point

You have the highest number of confirmed cases on the entire planet you laughable scumbag

I'd say I'm surprised that you don't understand per capita, but I'm not. I'd explain it to you if I thought you'd understand it. Instead, I'll create a debate equally absurd about Oklahoma having less deaths and cases than Great Britain and every other European country.

Side: But Mein Fascist Narrative