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Debate Score:34
Total Votes:35
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Asselkabd(13) pic

School uniform good idea or not?

Do you wear a school uniform? Do you think school uniforms are a good or a bad idea? What are the advantages or disadvantages of wearing a uniform?


Side Score: 15


Side Score: 19
2 points

I think that school uniforms are a good idea because school uniforms give more personal time for children. For example, school students, especially girls, will not spent a lot of time choosing their clothes every day if they wear school uniforms. This means that they can save their time for something useful, interesting and necessary. They win the Time!

Side: yes
2 points

I think that school uniforms are a good idea because school uniforms give more possibility to save money. For example, parents will not waste a lot of money for the replenishing their children`s wardrobe with fashionable clothes that their children prefer but that can often be very expensive. Moreover this is not profitable because children quickly grow out of their clothes. This means that parents can save their money for the more necessary future needs of their children. They win Money!

Side: yes
2 points

I think that school uniforms are a good idea because school uniforms help to feel equality between school students. I hope that this can improve the quality of the relationships between people because of the ability to see in a person not only his or her material and social status through his or her clothes/things but also the human qualities which, I think, are more important.

Side: yes
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

"Fashionable clothes" is yet another personal choice, why should freedom be sacrifice to force others to not choose to buy expensive cloths. Also, For people like me, most uniforms would be more expensive then my normal school ware was/is.

A uniform must fit a particular way, which means it has a higher chance of being grown out of.

With out uniforms you can buy baggy, and they will fit longer.

Side: No
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

They don't have to spend alot of time anyways, its a personal choice.

Why should others freedom be limited to force people who don't want convenience to take the convenient route?

Side: No
1 point

I support the idea of school uniform and I agree with all the arguments of Zhazira) I think we should try to improve our uniform, as I know, in Korea they have uniform in almost all the schools and there are no complaints from parents' or students' side...

Side: yes
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

Is Korea's culture worth imitating?

Why are there no complaints?

Side: No
Shynar(20) Disputed
1 point

i guess they have rigid school rules. and all the schoolchildren know that starting from the very first day till the last they should be wearing uniform.

Side: yes
1 point

School uniforms are a good idea so students will not have to worry about if they are wearing the right brand of clothing or not. It will not matter where their clothes come from because not logo's will be seen. I also agree with the lower cost of buying clothes for the kids. I have three kids who's school just started with uniforms and I can definitely say the cost is much lower for school shopping and it's easier for them to pick out something to wear in the morning.

Side: yes
casper3912(1556) Disputed
1 point

Why would they have to worry about wearing the right brand of clothing or not without uniforms?

Uniforms may very well be more expensive, it really depends on buying habits. For example, most of my clothes are hand-me downs, from thrift stores, or yard sales, and a uniform would certainly cost more than 10 dollars.

They aren't picking something out to wear, someone else already did that for them.

Side: No
1 point

Hmmm... I think that we can design uniform for all the pupils, however they will be able to make it by themselves. they can chose material. there will be no problems of size. but colors and design should be equal...

Side: yes

A school uniform takes the guesswork out of what to wear each day at school.

Side: Yes
2 points

I can certainly see many advantages and disadvantages on both sides, however, in most situations i do not think school uniforms have an overly positive influence. The problem with education now is that it sucks the creative abilities out of children. Education favors only certain subject areas and promotes uniformity among children. Test performance is now more important than the actual learning...What uniforms do i take it a step further and promote further uniformity. If you dont let children be themselves, and create their own styles, it will make it harder for them to make creative choices in the future. We need to keep schools promoting creativity as much as possible and no uniforms is a good step in that direction. The time, money and energy spent worrying about clothes is a product of the media. If children feel pressure to fit in and have cool clothes, then make the school an environment where this kind of behavior is looked down upon. Make the school an environment where new ideas and creativity are approved of so that kids will have the freedom they want while eliminating some pressure.

Side: No
1 point

I think that school uniforms are a bad idea because school uniforms exclude the right of free choice. All students in one school should wear one type of clothes. Where is the right of choice?!

Side: No
1 point

I think that school uniforms are a bad idea idea because school uniforms compromise the safety of school students. For example, in emergency situations parents cannot find and help their child/ children in a short time because of the similar clothes on all children. What parents want to endanger their child?

Side: No
1 point

I think that school uniforms are a bad idea because it can damage child's self-image. School uniforms not always have a suitable color and design for all school students. School uniforms almost always are sewn by the absolute standard.

Side: No
1 point

I think school uniforms blow...why? Because you need to purchase them from a single vendor (generally) and, they are designed to be the great equalizer. But guess what! They are not! The pretty girls and handsome boys still look better than those who are not! So it actually makes things worse as it is designed for one purpose, but actually supports the very thing that was trying to be avoided.

Hmmmmmm...has anyone else thought this?

Side: No
1 point

I definitely agree, if the main purpose is to make everyone look the same, one would have to implement the same mandates as in Vonnegut's "Harrison Bergeron". And I'm sure no one wants that.

Side: No
1 point

School uniforms? No. Dress codes? Yes. Uniforms are not a very good idea, especially in a school environment. Kids like to experiment with their individuality for Pete's sake. Set reasonable boundaries with a dress code to bar anything ridiculous, and let them be themselves. School uniforms simply encourage everyone to be like one another.

Side: No