
Debate Info

Winter/Fall Summer/Spring
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Summer/Spring (2)

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n0thin65(48) pic

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Seasonal Clothing

What is better: Winter/Fall or Summer/Spring clothing and why?


Side Score: 0


Side Score: 3
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OK this is so obvious, summer/spring. Why? Because of the amount of skin on display ;)

Side: Summer/Spring
1 point

That depends on if you live in a country where the women wear burkas all year round ;) wounder our surf life savers are pissed off. We had a prob here in Aus with some burka clad women wanting to swim fully clothed and near drowning. I mean its summer , come on , get it off !......Summer/ Spring is a chance to shed all clothes , wether in the privacy of the indoors or the outdoors. Of course there are those who would abuse this right of such freedom by running their naked arse/arses unexpectedly through society in places where not acceptible , like say , the footy...:)

Side: Summer/Spring