
Debate Info

Guns should be prohibited Guns should not be prohibited
Debate Score:17
Total Votes:19
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 Guns should be prohibited (5)
 Guns should not be prohibited (8)

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Javik(6) pic

Second amendment Gun rights

Debate guns & how the should or should not be used.

Guns should be prohibited

Side Score: 6

Guns should not be prohibited

Side Score: 11

There is too much gun violence in America. It would be best to ban guns. The Second Amendment has no relevance to 21st century standards.

Side: Guns should be prohibited

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a startling revelation for 2015. It is projected that deaths from guns will surpass deaths from car fatalities in 2015. An estimated 33,000 Americans will lose their lives from guns as opposed to an estimated 32,000 Americans who will die in car accidents.

The gun violence in America is an American Shame!

Side: Guns should be prohibited
0 points

Guns have been around for some time now many use them but for what reasons?

You might be protecting your life or saving another's, but there still need to be some form of control over firearms.

Side: Guns should be prohibited
4 points

I personally love doing competition shooting. It's really fun, and I'm not a bad shot if I do say so myself ;)

People also use guns to hunt, and though it's not absolutely necessary, I still believe hunting is a good skill to have. Plus it can be fun too.

Then, of course, there's the defense use of guns, I feel extremely safe in my house knowing where all the guns are and knowing if someone breaks in, I can defend myself.

I have to wait two more years before a gun will be useful for me defense-wise in public :(

Side: Guns should not be prohibited
1 point

Guns should not be prohibited. They are used far more often to stop a crime than to perpetrate a crime.

Prohibition doesn't prevent those who want to get their hands on something from getting it. Alcohol was prohibited, and the mob made crazy amounts of money smuggling it. Drugs are illegal, and 20 million pounds cross the US-Mexico border every year.

If we ban guns, only criminals will end up having them.

Side: Guns should not be prohibited
1 point

How will criminals end up having them?,.,.,.,.,..,,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,

Side: Guns should be prohibited
JaxsonRaine(54) Disputed
1 point

The same way people get anything else that is illegal. From illegal sources. Off the street, from dealers, black market, etc...

The only real difference, is we won't have honest citizens who can stop them anymore. The Department of Justice did a study and found out that guns(citizens) are used between 1.5 and 4.5 million times a year to stop a crime.

Side: Guns should not be prohibited
1 point

Considering that an overwhelming majority of legal gun-owners do NOT use those guns to commit crimes, prohibition of fire-arms would take guns out of innocent people's hands, but would keep them in the hands of criminals.

This, in no way, animates an ideal society.

For those who envision a world without guns, they are basically viewing a society that will never exist until we can produce such technology to eliminate both the existence and means to create guns. Basically, they're delusional and should not be creating legislation.

Side: Guns should not be prohibited

How about a type of gun that shoots out a substance that relaxes nerve cells ?much better than a normal gun.

Side: Guns should not be prohibited
1 point

I believe that guns should be carried, but also extremely restricted. A semi-automatic handgun with 20 rounds a clip or less is more than enough for self protection. I forget the radio show, but it had Bill Marr talking about why people would need a 30-round capacity fully-automatic gun on hand, and some moron commentating on it (by saying "Fuck you Bill Mar ad nauseum) retorted with "because it's fun".

Let me put ths into perspective. That would be like me walking down the street with a German Zweihander slung over my left shoulder and a Japanese Zanbato slung over my right, with two European Longswords belted at my sides and a katana on the back of my hip Sasuke Uchiha style. Also, let's put a bowgun and a pouch full of quarrels. Finally, for good measue, let's have my upper torse crisscrossed with belts of throwing knives. When someone inevitably asks me why I'm dressed like Medieval Rambo, I answer with "Because it's fun." Their reaction would be similar to mine when I heard this.

Why does anyone need a shotgun with eight round capacity with each of those eight rounds having the ability to make the average human look like cherry swiss cheese? Why does anyone need a automatic handgun like the Mac-11 with enough firepower in one clip to redecorate an office room a brilliant scarlet? It must be restrained and kept down tightly. This is especially true with the upcoming generation.

Side: Guns should not be prohibited
1 point

To our government: Come to the South and tell us we can't have guns. Bring backup.

Side: Guns should not be prohibited
0 points

We should only use guns in the military, police, etc. but otherwise, only for hunting. If you absolutely need a gun, then get one. If you are a Blood, or a Crip, etc. don't get a gun. Do you want to stay life in prison? No. We should learn the three rules of gun safety (don't point to the face, unloaded, unlocked, and no bullets around when not being used, and don't touch the trigger unless ready to shoot.)

Side: Guns should not be prohibited
desrt2(9) Disputed
2 points

Focusing in on your statement that only the military, police and it's reasonable to deduce from your, ".etc", any authority I posit that when you remove the means of a citizenry from protecting themselves against their own government, you do not have the power to overthrow an oppressive regime. One of the first steps Hitler took in controlling and manipulating the German citizens was the confiscation of all privately owned firearms. This particular thread to support firearms ownership goes further into depth but you can see the point. Their are always current event examples of countries where their citizens have no means of change and voting is a farce. Will the US ever need to over throw our government? I hope not, but we did so in 1776. Sarik; you've made some valid and objective statements. Here are some fundamental rules of firearm safety: 1.) Always keep your firearm pointed in a safe direction until it's ready to be used 2.) Never point a firearm at someone or something that you do not intent to shoot 3.) A firearm is ALWAYS loaded 4.) Always keep your finger off of the trigger until ready to shoot. 5.) Always keep a firearm unloaded until ready to shoot 6.) Store firearms and ammunition in different containers and away from each other. 7.) Be aware of your surroundings. Even a .22 LR can travel a mile or more.

Side: Guns should be prohibited