
Debate Info

Yes,for the sake of the kids No, he's a man whore
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Yes,for the sake of the kids (2)
 No, he's a man whore (1)

Debate Creator

usps(365) pic

Should Elin take Tiger back?

Yes,for the sake of the kids

Side Score: 2

No, he's a man whore

Side Score: 1

Although Tiger morals are about as low as one can conceive, Elin should take back Tiger solely because of the kids.

Side: Yes,for the sake of the kids

If I had to choose I would say yes. I don't think that we should try and debate over peoples personal lives. There could be some more underlying things that the public don't know about Tiger and Elin.

Side: Yes,for the sake of the kids

He should give up that sex addict bull shit and screw whatever he can find, light bulbs, etc. ;)

Side: No, he's a man whore