
Debate Info

Yes, it was malicious No, she was just kidding
Debate Score:5
Total Votes:5
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 Yes, it was malicious (1)
 No, she was just kidding (3)

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addltd(5125) pic

Should Justine Sacco's have been fired for her African Aids Tweet?

Justine Sacco Tweeted the comment below (see graphic).  Do you think she was just joking around?  Do you think she should have lost her job over it?

Share your opinion below...

Here is a news story about it at CNN:

Yes, it was malicious

Side Score: 1

No, she was just kidding

Side Score: 4

Not firing her would be bad PR.

Also, WTF? .

Side: Yes, it was malicious
2 points

She should take note of her public reputation knowing not to say such things, and take some sort of punishment for speaking out in the way she did, but to fire her, especially if she's doing her job correctly and helping people, would be too much.

Side: No, she was just kidding

People need to lrnhow2 take a joke. I'm black and even I laughed at that.

Side: No, she was just kidding
1 point

I do believe she was kidding. The issue is if she meant it as a joke and was sober it was in poor taste. If she meant it and was drunk tweeting, well WTF! Don't drink and tweet!

Side: No, she was just kidding