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Debate Score:17
Total Votes:20
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Micmacmoc(2259) pic

Should Obama be the next President?


Side Score: 11


Side Score: 6
3 points

Im a democrat and also, i do not want a president that cannot relate to me. A millionaire republican doesnt know about the real problems in America. Mitt Romney is an elitist, why would he have any motivation to help the lower classes? Hes big business oriented...

Side: Yes
bbmedic413(2) Disputed
1 point

Obama has a net worth of about $10 million. How can he relate to your problems?

Side: No

How can one fix things when the other party is unwilling to try anything? One must attempt to fix things before one can say it won't work. Saying NO, is not an answer. It is only a political strategy and nothing more. Wreck a nation to accomplish personal agendas is only a self absorbed position to hold. Don't tax the rich, because it applies to the rich.

Abolish health care, Romney should go for it and start with Congress's. What's good for the goose, is good for the gander.

Side: Yes
1 point

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Obama is trying to do something different, he is trying to make change. And personally i think he succeeded. He signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay act, repealed DADT, and got obamacare through congress. I think he is a good president and will still be a good president in 2013 if he is re-elected.

Side: Yes

I will assume that the question is "Should Obama be President over Romney?" To that, I would answer yes. That's not to say that he's been a perfect president or that there's not someone out there who's not running who would be better. I would take Michael Bloomberg if he ran. I agree with the criticisms of not being able to relate to Romney, but more than that I actually find him shifty and wishy-washy. Romney actually has the same problem that John Kerry did. Yes, John Kerry. He's had to repackage himself so many different ways to try to win the nomination that it's no clear where he stands on anything. Now, we see this guy who's "conservative" wink-wink, but everything about his record suggest that he's almost as liberal as Obama. At least, I know where Obama stands. And my biggest criticisms are actually that he didn't take his agenda further than he already has.

Side: Yes

Barack Obama won the election in 2012 by the majority of American voters because he was the better candidate.

Side: Yes
0 points

I believe Obama to be a good President who deserves a second term even though I disagree with him politically about religious issues.

Side: Yes
1 point

Hell no! Of course if the loser is re-elected, he'll still be the same president, he won't be given a new number so he won't be the next president.

Side: No
Jungelson(3955) Disputed
0 points

When Obama was elected, people thought "hey this guy will make a difference!" People also said the same thing when Clinton was elected, bush, bus sr e.t.c. If the Mormon gets elected, people will think "yeah he's good!" But after a few months/ a year, people will want someone else...

Side: Yes
Hellno(17724) Disputed
1 point

I agree to a certain degree but some are better than others.... they're not all the same. Clinton was good and daddy Bush wasn't bad. Obama and Carter suck balls. W sucked too.

Side: No
1 point

We're $6 trillion more in debt than when he took office. Unemployment is the worst its ever been in American history. Gas prices have doubled since Obama has took office.

Side: No