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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Yes. (3)

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YeshuaBought(2848) pic

Should @POTUS defund Planned Parenthood?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 0

I have the religious right to not pay for things I don't believe in, and abortion is murder. Oh, and I am not paying for your sex changes either. #RepealRoe

Side: Yes.
2 points

Of course he should defund PP. What kind of person would force others to pay for the inhumanity of abortions?

This has nothing to do with Life of Mother abortions. The vast majority of PP abortions are perform for convenience.

Side: Yes.

Agreed. I might get banned from Twitter, but pisssing of proaborts is worth it. I will not willingly pay for things I don't believe in.

Side: Yes.
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