
Debate Info

We should not stop We should stop
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:10
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 We should not stop (7)
 We should stop (3)

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Watari(70) pic

Should People Stop Testing on Animals?

If you would like to read some benefits, click here. If you want to read some thoughts from PETA, click here.


 - ωatari 

We should not stop

Side Score: 7

We should stop

Side Score: 3
1 point

Would you weather we test on people?

Side: We should not stop
Watari(70) Disputed
1 point

That makes no sense, you say that testing on people would be worse, yet you are on the side of stopping it. What are you trying to say? Clarify please.

Side: We should not stop
1 point

UH, Yeah, testing on people would be worse. I dont understand that you're on the side of we should not stop when clearly, you are saying that we should stop.... Uh, really confused here. Wait, i just looked at your argument, it said that "we should stop" even if you already disputed cuaroc's argument.

But what cuaroc was trying to say was that, we should not stop on testing animals because if we do, then there would be no more chance in improving the kind of medicines that we have now.

Side: We should not stop
1 point

I think it's best to test on people, it would be more accurate.

Side: We should not stop
1 point

If we do not test on animals, then we will not know the potential effect on humans. Would you like un-tested products being tested on you and your family? Also, how would you test medicine? The pharmaceutical industry would grind to a halt with out animal testing.

Side: We should not stop
1 point

As Kozlov said, who would you like us to to test on? Would you want to test on YOU?! I'd rather not be tested on, so let us just test on animals to keep us safe.

Side: We should not stop
1 point

Testing on animals isn't great, but would you like us to start testing on humans?

Side: We should not stop
1 point

We can use tissue samples instead.

Side: We should stop
supertu(24) Clarified
1 point

yes ,people must to stop test on animal cause there just like us having life .if test on the them they would done in there number .And it bad thing to kill something have life . now your because your power than them ,this means you test on them .what you did think if there was bigger than you test by you ,,,,,,,so on ,,,, we to see them just like our self

Side: We should not stop
1 point

People are animals. The only reason to use animals is to get some skewed results that don't effectively show actual human trials. Besides drugs are tested on humans anyway, the government covers mishaps from pharma companies with insurance funds. To limit it to animals because of some grandiose idea that humans are above animals, is itself an oxymoron. The assumption is that animals and human physiology are similar enough to test anything we can cage. hypocrisy abound.

Side: We should stop

I don't like cruelty to animals, so, I think the testing should stop.

Side: We should stop