
Debate Info

pros cons
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:13
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 pros (3)
 cons (3)

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David21(5) pic

Should Shakespeare be compulsory for high school students



Side Score: 4


Side Score: 3
1 point

Shakespeare was a cool dude. He deserves to be studied. Stay lit Shakedawg.

Side: pros
bbboi(3) Disputed
1 point

u are an idiot you are dumba u dont now hew to fight meh blow me in blo3 u idgiot

Side: cons
bbboi(3) Disputed
1 point

cuz u are dumba jew monkey babbay blakay fat me m8 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk geeeeeeetttt reeeeeekkt

Side: cons
1 point

cuz he is a trash monkey babby doy kachigga my nig cite ur evidence better my guy letz fight in real life chicken boy

Side: cons
Atrag(5666) Disputed
2 points

Something tells me you are too stupid to learn Shakespeare. It shouldnt be compulsory for you no - you just be in the special needs class while everyone else studies Shakespeare.

Side: pros
1 point

true, true. Shakespeare's work takes actual intelligence to study

Side: pros