
Debate Info

It could come in handy. What for?
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:15
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 It could come in handy. (5)
 What for? (5)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Should all women learn this trick?

It could come in handy.

Side Score: 8

What for?

Side Score: 7

It could come in handy next time you're smuggling illegal substances over the boarder in a cylindrical container.

Side: It could come in handy.
2 points

Why can't i stop watching this?! o_o

Side: It could come in handy.
2 points

I find the guy in the background who stops and watches to be the best part.

Side: What for?
1 point

That guy was like, "...The hell... What the hell is this world coming to? It's going straight to hell in a hand basket"

Side: What for?
nobodyknows(745) Disputed
2 points

I must disagree. I interpret his stare as "Hello.... is that my future wife?"

Side: It could come in handy.

She should chew that thing first or risk getting indigestion ;)

Side: What for?
1 point

On top of that, I feel like this is disgusting in a way...

Side: What for?

Once you feel her tonsils, you will change your mind. I know I did ;)

Side: What for?