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Yes because... No because...
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:22
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 Yes because... (10)
 No because... (6)

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Vermink(1942) pic

Should assisted death (euthanasia) be legal?

Yes because...

Side Score: 12

No because...

Side Score: 10
1 point

That person has no purpose in life anymore other than to waste away until death. It's cruel to force them to live in their crippled and disabled body unless they are a genius like Stephen Hawking.

Side: Yes because...

I am so for it! With regulations of course.

We have all of these rights like free speech, owning a gun, our own privacy just to name a few, it seems a little odd to me that we don't have the right to die.

No one can read minds, no one can get into your thoughts to know what you know with the intimacy that you know it, so they never can tell how much you are going through and how much you want it to end. When people want to die, It usually sticks around forever, that desire. (I know from experience).

We aren't legally allowed to kill ourselves, not only for the mess it would cause but for the cash that would need to be paid and other factors so there should be a way out for people who have sank that low without leaving trouble for the next person.

We serve no real purpose here in life, and anything we may have contributed will most likely be contributed by someone else later on down the road. Nothing is new anymore ideas just get recycled, reviewed, and revised.

One of my work friends, that I argue with a lot had this to say.

"If you want to die, don't be a punk, do it yourself. Slash your own damn wrists, or shoot yourself."

I debated that it would be a hassle for the people who would have to clean it up. Euthanization would leave no bloody mess.

The person could have to sign several waiver saying they wanted this, give video and voice recordings of them asking for this, they could by law have to give all of their money to the government since they are choosing to end their life they aren't entitled to leaving it to anyone.

Side: Yes because...
1 point

Its hard to justify not killing a person who wants to die in system where you can kill people who cannot decide. (Abortion) A dog is a dog because of his Genes. A man is a man because of his brain power?...I'll shut up as to not thread jack OP. But Assisted death being illegal is not justifiable.

Side: Yes because...
1 point

It is here in Oregon. Probably why you don't hear a lot of complaining about it! That was morbid. I better go watch a David Lynch film...

Side: Yes because...
1 point

If the person really wants to be die but cant do it themselves then yea it would be ok i guess... Im trying not to sound like im for it... but im not against it either... if people want to die like that ... then let them... they want to leave the world... well thats their choice.. not ours...

Side: Yes because...

If a patient is suffering and no cure is in sight, the patient should have the right to die with dignity.

Side: Yes because...
1 point

No, it shouldn't. When you think about it, Euthanasia is literally just suicide accisted by the government, yet the government creates things to help stop suicide from happening. Why, you ask? Because the killing of one self is generally frowned upon.

(For those who are wondering, I base the whole government suicide thing on the fact that this is suicide prevention month.)

Side: No because...

no...the government needs as much tax dollars as possible

Side: No because...