
Debate Info

Baseball Football
Debate Score:14
Total Votes:16
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 Baseball (4)
 Football (5)

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johnbonham32(2426) pic

Should baseball remain America's "official" pastime, or should we switch to football?

Statistics show that football has consistently been beating baseball in the USA for years now. Should we change our official pastime to football? Or should we stick with a classic and go with baseball?


Side Score: 8


Side Score: 6
4 points

I have never had very much interest in sports. That said, the few times I've ever bothered to read or watch or, in my younger days, play and sport, the only one which interested me in the slightest is baseball. Baseball is an American tradition, and their stars dating back a century (ie. Babe Ruth, DiMaggio, etc.) are national heroes. Football is a barbaric sports for overgrown Neanderthals.

Side: Baseball

Agreed. I've loved baseball since I was just a kid. I grew up with Mickey Mantle and his Yankees, and I'll never forget the countless games my father took me to.

Side: Baseball
bamagirlRTR(11) Disputed
1 point

Football is not barbaric. I hate pro football though... College football is a wonderful American tradition.

Side: football
DevinSeay(1119) Disputed
1 point

Agree on everything but football. Football is a good sport in my eyes. However, Baseball should be the nations favorite passtime. Baseball has more history then football.

Side: football
1 point

I am Canadian and wish that Baseball was my nations pastime; having only one baseball team (that unfortunately hasn't been very successful since 1993) compared to six hockey teams just seems unfair. Baseball is something that everyone can enjoy, and you know that on the odd occurrence there is a fight- somebody really deserved it; unlike in hockey when there are fights all the time.

Side: Baseball

I say to keep Baseball as America's official pastime because of its history and strong fanbase.

Side: Baseball

Football should be the new national pastime, and baseball should be the new international pastime.

Fuck soccer and volleyball. Let's get Japan on the phone and discuss how we're going to get the world to worship baseball instead.

Side: football
1 point

There's just something about college football in the fall. It's like magic. Baseball's just not huge where I'm from. I mean, yeah, I'll go to Braves games but I just don't enjoy baseball. SEC football is amazing. If you've never been to an SEC rivalry game, your life is not complete. :) Roll Tide.

Side: football
0 points

We should switch bcuz football is more popular now it's simple....Baseball it's a great sport, it was the best sport in the past, right now it's 2-3 with basketball.

In football there are more oney too...NFL it's worth 13$ Billion....MLB 9.5$ Billion

There are 29 NFL teams in the top 50 most valuble sports teams in the world and only 8 from it is what it is Footbal has overcome baseball for some good years and rn it s not close

Side: Football