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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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Cuaroc(8829) pic

Should it be legal to restrain airplane passengers?


Side Score: 5


Side Score: 1
1 point

well you cant let them do whatever they want. airline personnel should be allowed to put them to sleep with a tranquilizer or tie them up if necessary

Side: Yes
1 point

Yeah. You mean restrain in what way? People are already restrained when flight attendants ask them to use the seat belts. If you're referring to what the other guy here said as to putting tranquilizers and stuff, then if it's necessary to make the person calm down, then we should legalize it

Side: Yes
1 point

Tranquilisers if they're having a panic attack, handcuffs if they're about to plant a bomb/otherwise kill people, anything else- no.

Side: Yes
1 point

There is no rights being violated by "restraining" a

person. Yet, if there is no valid reason of the person

being restrained then its up for the restrained person

to file a complaint to whomever restrained them. Its

not much of a debatable topic.

Side: Yes

If an airline passenger goes berserk, he or she should be restrained.

Side: Yes
1 point

Set of handcuffs, a ball gag, and a gimp mask? That shits sound like fun! I'd normally have to pay good money to have someone do that to me. Now you're telling me I can get that done for free? Where do I sign-up?

Side: No