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 Should joecavalry change his smiling dog picture? (8)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

Should joecavalry change his smiling dog picture?

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He looks like one of those troll dogs ;)

1 point

My dog has a better smile and they're yellow.

Awwww thats a pretty pic. But im used to the current one so id say stick with that. I think the community also likes the current one too.

awe, who's a good boy? who's a boy?

1 point

Really cute but you wouldn't be you with out mutly as your pic :D

1 point

Look at that puppy! I want to see your real face. You are sexy. Bad Isma'ila, bad. ;)

1 point

Hey Ismaila, I've been wanting to talk to you, but the site keeps telling me that I'm posting too fast or something, so it seems like it'll be a while before I can talk to you again

1 point

I am sorry. :'(