
Debate Info

Debate Score:32
Total Votes:35
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 YES (13)
 NO (14)

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PrayerFails(11139) pic

Should military recruiters be prohibited from recruiting in schools?

Parents and teachers have protested about military personnel visiting schools to talk to students about the armed forces.


EDIT: Strictly High School


Side Score: 13


Side Score: 19
1 point

I would have to assume we're talking about high schools here?

Yes. Most of the people who would be exposed to the recruiters would be minors. And the recruiting process is by definition, whether you agree with it or not, basically political propaganda. You can't just go forcing it on people's kids while they're away from home with their parents not present.

(If we're talking about colleges/universities I'll change my vote to no, once you go off to college you should be able to take care of yourself and make informed decisions semi-properly)

Side: yes

I agree. The parents should be present because often times the children will just make a decision based on the things they see right now, not what will actually happen in the future. I also agree that they should be able to go to colleges or universities and talk to people that are atleast 18.

Side: yes
aveskde(1935) Disputed
1 point

Don't you think this is a bit of a double standard? We expose children to all sorts of career paths in high school. Some are dangerous (welding, construction) others are not... but why target the military specifically?

Side: No
1 point

I remember when I was in high school army recruiters would show up offering bags and hats to anyone who signs up for information on the military. They would often bring something flashy too, like a racecar, and park it deliberately afront the exits. Its a mind game. "Hey, do you want useless consumerist crap? Just remember...

!yvaN eht noiJ"

Side: yes
1 point

Ha yes,

But I think they should repost the banners they have, to have them say:


We stopped fighting peoples wars at the beginning of WWI all of them are government wars ALL OF THEM.

Side: yes
2 points

No. I think they should be able to recruit in schools, but only ivy league schools.

And there should also be a law that says that a congressman looses his vote on weather to go or not go to war unless one of his child is serving on ground.

Side: No
brycer2012(1002) Disputed
1 point

Can you please expand on why it should only be ivy league schools?

Side: yes
PungSviti(552) Disputed
2 points

Well I think war has gotten to be taken a little to lightly these days.

It would serve as a great deterrent for people in high office if when they decide to kill a bunch of fathers mothers and children in another country for some reason, that they would have to be so sure about their reasoning that they would actually be willing to send their children or friends of their children.

Not that I would like to see anybody in harms way.

Side: No
2 points

No matter what country we live in, the simple fact remains that a military is necessary to ensure defence, civil support, and peacekeeping.

It is also true that some of us at school-age may benefit from knowing about a military option for employment. Not all of us are the same in this respect, we have our doctors, lawyers, artists, and so on but some of us find meaning in military discipline.

I think this debate spawned from how unpopular war is right now, but we must remember that that doesn't negate the military's necessity.

Side: No
gcomeau(536) Disputed
1 point

Then make the pitch to provide that service to adults who are in a better position to make a properly informed decision, or with the permission of a kids parents.

Side: yes
2 points

Absolutely not! Kids need to know what options they have - the armed forces offer a wide variety of skills to a great diversity of people. The military gives benefits, teaches necessary skills, pays well, teaches such things as camaraderie and faithfulness. If I had the option, I'd join the Navy in a New York Minute.

Side: No
brycer2012(1002) Disputed
1 point

I disagree with the pays well statement. I know many military personnel and the only reason why they can support their family is because they don't have to pay for housing, electricity, or water. If they were forced to live in civilian housing, then they couldn't afford it. When people are hurt in the military they get a disability check, but often times it doesn't amount to what they would have made. One man is only getting paid $30,000 per year for a family of 5. I think he is divorced and can't rely on his wife's income.

Side: yes
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

The housing, electricity, water, etc. is what I meant by 'benefits'.

Side: No
2 points

No recruiting in school, is just another way to make sure we have soldiers to help protect America.

Side: No
1 point

No, they should not. It's for a simple manner. In the US the military offers many benefits to students regarding post-secondary education. By recruiting in high schools the military is able to reach people that would want to join the military. Recruiting is not the only step to joining the military either; the recruited still has to meet up with military officials in order to sign documents; this is where a worried parent can intervene.

A second argument is that schools provide an abundant resource for able bodied individuals that can be very useful to the military. By barring recruitment at schools you are cutting the military at its knees in regards to recruiting ability; an ability that is vital to national security.

Side: No