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Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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AmritaKJ(96) pic

Should sankrit, discarding german, be make obligatory in schools?

Sanskrit is one of the 22 officiallanguages of India. it is base language of many religions and their literature in India. 

German is a foreign language accepted in all world around and important in scientific learning and business. 

the new government is planning to make sanskrit compulsary and consficating german from indian education curricula. whats your stake on this?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 1
2 points

Since India is a democracy, in theory they choose what they want as a country. If they have chosen a path that leads away from progress in the world economy, they will choose again. Let them be.

Side: yes
1 point

This won't prove successful,according to me a fruitful way could be to hand over the decision on children,students who want to opt German thinking that it would help him in their future or if a student wants to opt Sanskrit thinking that its our national language or something else.

Side: No