
Debate Info

Yeah to make it fair! No, why?
Debate Score:7
Total Votes:7
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 Yeah to make it fair! (3)
 No, why? (4)

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Gymnast(409) pic

Should teachers have homework?

Wouldn't it be cool if teachers had to suffer through what students do?!?!?

Yeah to make it fair!

Side Score: 3

No, why?

Side Score: 4
1 point

Yeah, cause it would make them consider if they give students way too much homework!

Side: Yeah to make it fair!

They already do. Not only do they grade every assignment and project of every student in all of their classes, but they spend their summers at seminars and teacher's camps.

Student's always complain about how much work teachers give them, forgetting that most of the time, teachers have far, far more.

Side: No, why?
Gymnast(409) Disputed
1 point

I meant academic homework, like to do math problems and science problems. Not to look in the answer book, and then look at the paper the students did................... That's just using time, not thinking and stuff...

Side: Yeah to make it fair!
1 point

I meant academic homework, like to do math problems and science problems.

You mean like everything they had to do in order to become a teacher?

Not to look in the answer book, and then look at the paper the students did................... That's just using time, not thinking and stuff...

It often requires a lot of thought as well as time.

Side: No, why?