
Debate Info

No, it is morbid Yes, it is news
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:10
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 No, it is morbid (1)
 Yes, it is news (3)

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jnjcasper(24) pic

Should the BBC show the assisted suicide death?

No, it is morbid

Side Score: 3

Yes, it is news

Side Score: 6
2 points

Although the event certainly is news, and there may be valid arguments for assisted suicide, there is absolutely no value in showing a man's death live on TV. This is one step closer (though still a long way off) to the days of the gladiators. We must respect human dignity, and let death be a private affair.

Side: No, it is morbid
jessald(1915) Disputed
2 points

"there is absolutely no value in showing a man's death live on TV"

There is value. People can observe the man's death and use it to improve their understanding of the subject. Does he look like he's in pain? Disoriented? I for one would be interested in judging these things for myself.

As long as the man has consented, I see nothing wrong with televising the suicide.

Side: Yes, it is news
3 points

This is actually Sky Television and not the BBC who are showing this documentary.

As with anything, I feel that the argument about whether this program should be or should have been shown would best be left until afer the broadcast goes out. My guess, with Sky Television choosing to broadcast it, is that the documentary handles the subject matter in an informative, articulate and educated manner.

The laws that govern assisted suicide are sketchy at best, and Gordon Brown even said in the commons today that whilst he is against assisted suicide, the families involved have to make extremely difficult decisions, and legislation should be a last resort to deal with a situation that requires immense compasion and understanding.

The fact that the family of Mr Ewert are supporting the decision to air this would tell me that this will be handled correctly, and anything that can be done to stimulate the debate over assisted suicide, hopefully leading to an understanding that families of those who choose the assisted suicide option will not face prosecution, can only be a good thing.

It's a sensitive issue, and I hope it's presented as such by Sky.

Side: Yes, it is news

While I know and respect the BBC I believe that Sky Television falls into the realm of cable TV in Britain. I'll take xaeon's word that it is an upright viewing station as well.

The assisted suicide death of Mr. Ewert is more than just news. It is a slice of life most of us have never seen from afar or witnessed up close. It is a Documentary of the most delicate of subject matter and I can only hope it will be portrayed with all the reverence it deserves. That is not to say we shouldn't see what is being done or be shielded from listening to instructions or comments of the doctor, family and patient.

I am hoping we will be able to see this from beginning to end. I don't think I have morbid bone in my body but one never knows if someday I or one of you will be faced with the same decision. I have only watched one person die, and that was from natural causes and not assisted suicide. I must say it was a very peaceful death so I am not afraid of watching this. I do believe it is important and it's not simply news!

Side: Yes it is important