
Debate Info

Yeah, lets wait No, it's a stimulus package
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 Yeah, lets wait (2)
 No, it's a stimulus package (1)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Yeah, lets wait

Side Score: 2

No, it's a stimulus package

Side Score: 1

The money will do little good unless Israel first opens the border crossing into the territory.

Side: Yeah, lets wait
1 point

I'm not sure how that money is being allocated exactly,

but a solid peace accord should be reached before the actual rebuilding,

any money from that bill that is to be used in humanitarian efforts though, should be distributed as soon as possible.

Side: Yeah, lets wait
1 point

If possible, it would be good to allocate certain contractors/resources before the dust settles so work can begin asap. This keeps the interest of both the economy and the people of Gaza.

Side: No, it's a stimulus package